雅思口语 beautiful的12个高级替代词

1 alluring  [ə'l(j)ʊərɪŋ]=highly attractive 非常吸引人的,迷人的  (程度很深)

e.g. alluring voice

alluring city

alluring woman

alluring dessert

2 exquisite ['ekskwɪzɪt; ɪk'skwɪzɪt; ek-]精致的adj. (程度深)

e.g. exquisite food

exquisite meal

exquisite face

3 lovely  好看的,不错的, 令人愉快的adj. (程度一般)

e.g. We had a lovely picnic at the park.

lovely voice

lovely girl

lovely day

4 stunning 极美的adj.    =very impressive or attractive  (程度很深)

e.g. Her wedding dress was stunning.

stunning woman

stunning picture

5 magnificent   宏伟的, 壮丽的,出色的adj.     =impressively beautiful =extravagant (程度很深)

e.g. The view from the top of the mountain was magnificent.

magnificent house

magnificent flowers

magnificent garden

6 splendid  极好的,辉煌的adj.        基本等同magnificent (程度很深)(修饰nature 物品及地点,不能修饰人)

e.g. I picked up a splendid flower bouquet for our apartment.

splendid photo

splendid stadium

splendid music hall

7 appealing    吸引人的adj.  (程度深)大部分修饰食物

e.g. Oh, the pizza looks appealing.

The strawberries  looked very appealing, so I got two boxes.

8 attractive adj. 吸引人的    (程度一般,可以修饰人和物品,强调外观好看)

e.g. My teacher is an attractive lady.

9 charming adj. 迷人的 (除了有颜值性格还好, 当然也可以修饰物品和地点)  (程度较深)

e.g. My boyfriend must be charming.

We spent Christmas Eve in a charming little cottage by the water. 我们在迷人的靠水小村舍度过了圣诞夜。

10 superb adj. 极好的(程度很深)

e.g. I really have a desire to pay a visit to this superb place.

Hebe has a superb singing voice.

11 gorgeous adj. 美极了的(程度很深,一般说女生,地点,物品。什么?为什么不修饰男生?就像你用汉语修饰一个男生美若天仙他是不是好气~~~

e.g. we enjoyed the gorgeous sunset.

My boss is gorgeous.

12 ravishing  ['rævɪʃɪŋ]adj. 令人陶醉的=delightful, entrancing (不知道为什么,我个人是非常喜欢这个词的,看起来比较有文化的样子,关键知道的人少,修饰人和物都可以哦~)

e.g. Her ravishing smile lit up the room. 她令人陶醉的微笑点亮了整个房间。

ravishing little girl


