哈利波特与魔法石 Chapter1 :
He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the neighbors.他高大魁梧,胖得几乎连脖子都没了,却蓄着一脸大胡子。德思礼太太是个瘦削的金发女人。她的脖子几乎比正常人长一倍。这样每当她花许多时间隔着篱墙引颈而望、窥探左邻右舍时,她的长脖子可就派上了大用。
She, too, was wearing a cloak, an emerald one. Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun. She looked distinctly ruffled.她也披了一件翠绿色斗篷,乌黑的头发挽成一个很紧的发髻。她显得非常激动。
If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man sitting astride it. He was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed, and so wild - long tangles of bushy black hair and beard hid most of his face, he had hands the size of trash can lids, and his feet in their leather boots were like baby dolphins. In his vast, muscular arms he was holding a bundle of blankets.
Under a tuft of jet-black hair over his forehead they could see a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning.孩子前额上一绺乌黑的头发下边有一处刀伤,伤口形状很奇怪,像一道闪电。
"Their son - he'd be about Dudley's age now, wouldn't he?" “他们的儿子,他现在该有达力这么大了吧?”
A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive, which lay silent and tidy under the inky sky,微风拂动着女贞路两旁整洁的树篱,街道在漆黑的天空下寂静无声,一尘不染,
wearing an emerald-green cloak 披着一件翡翠绿的斗篷
紧张: He cleared his throat nervously他心神不定,清了清嗓子
At half past eight, Mr. Dursley picked up his briefcase, pecked Mrs. Dursley on the cheek, and tried to kiss Dudley good-bye but missed, because Dudley was now having a tantrum and throwing his cereal at the walls.八点半,德思礼先生拿起公文包,在德思礼太太面颊上亲了一下,正要亲达力,跟这个小家伙道别,可是没有亲成,小家伙正在发脾气,把麦片往墙上摔。
"Little tyke," chortled Mr. Dursley as he left the house. He got into his car and backed out of number four's drive.“臭小子。”德思礼先生嘟哝了一句,咯咯笑着走出家门,坐进汽车,倒出四号车道。
Mr. Dursley gave himself a little shake and put the cat out of his mind.德思礼先生定了定神,把猫从脑海里赶走。
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a huddle of these weirdos standing quite close by.
Mr. Dursley always sat with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor. 德思礼先生在他九楼的办公室里,总是习惯背窗而坐。
He didn't see the owls swooping past in broad daylight, though people down in the street did; they pointed and gazed open- mouthed as owl after owl sped overhead.他没有看见成群的猫头鹰在光天化日之下从天上飞过,可街上的人群都看到了;他们目瞪口呆,指指点点,盯着猫头鹰一只接一只从头顶上掠过。
V-I When a bird or aeroplane swoops, it suddenly moves downwards through the air in a smooth curving movement. 俯冲
More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean.
PHRASE If something is done in one fell swoop, it is done on a single occasion or by a single action. 一下子
In one fell swoop the bank wiped away the tentative benefits of this policy.
He was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery.他的情绪很好,到吃午饭的时候,他想舒展一下筋骨,到马路对角的面包房去买一只小甜圆面包。
He eyed them angrily as he passed.他经过他们身边时,狠狠地瞪了他们一眼。
This bunch were whispering excitedly, too, and he couldn't see a single collecting tin.这些人正嘁嘁喳喳,讲得起劲,但他连一只募捐箱也没有看见。
Mr. Dursley hummed as he picked out his most boring tie for work, and Mrs. Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.德思礼先生哼着小曲,挑出一条最不喜欢的领带戴着上班,德思礼太太高高兴兴,一直絮絮叨叨,把唧哇乱叫的达力塞到了儿童椅里。
He dashed back across the road, hurried up to his office, snapped at his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone, and had almost finished dialing his home number when he changed his mind. He put the receiver back down and stroked his mustache, thinking...他急忙冲到马路对面,回到办公室,厉声吩咐秘书不要来打扰他,然后抓起话筒,刚要拨通家里的电话,临时又变了卦。他放下话筒,摸着胡须,琢磨起来……
he was still so worried that he walked straight into someone just outside the door.与站在门口的一个人撞了个满怀。
"Sorry," he grunted, as the tiny old man stumbled and almost fell.
He didn't seem at all upset at being almost knocked to the ground. On the contrary, his face split into a wide smile and he said in a squeaky voice that made passersby stare
He was rattled. He hurried to his car and set off for home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn't approve of imagination.他心乱如麻,连忙朝自己的汽车跑去,开车回家。他希望这一切只是幻象,他从来没有幻想过什么,因为他根本不赞同幻想。
. It just gave him a stern look只是狠狠地瞪了他一眼
Trying to pull himself together 他先让自己镇定下来
"Funny stuff on the news," Mr. Dursley mumbled. "Owls... shooting stars... and there were a lot of funny-looking people in town today..."“今天的新闻有点奇怪,”德思礼先生咕哝说,“成群的猫头鹰……流星雨……今天城里又有那么多怪模怪样的人……”
mumble /ˈmʌmbəl/ CET6+ TEM8 (mumbling,mumbled,mumbles)
1.V-T/V-I If you mumble, you speak very quietly and not at all clearly with the result that the words are difficult to understand. 咕哝
例:Her grandmother mumbled in her sleep.
He mumbled a few words.
2.N-COUNT Mumble is also a noun. 咕哝
例:He could hear the low mumble of Navarro's voice.
"So?" snapped Mrs. Dursley.“那又怎么样?”德思礼太太急赤白脸地说。
V-T If you snap your fingers, you make a sharp sound by moving your middle finger quickly across your thumb, for example, in order to accompany music or to order someone to do something. 打响指
例:She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single. 数百万的听众和着她的首张单曲打响指。
He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.他打了一个响指,威尔逊便拿出一张纸来。
6.N-SING Snap is also a noun. 打响指
例:I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.
7.V-T/V-I If someone snaps at you, they speak to you in a sharp, unfriendly way. 声色俱厉地说
例:"Of course I don't know her," Roger snapped.“我当然不认识她,”罗杰恶声恶气地说。
Mrs. Dursley sipped her tea through pursed lips.德思礼太太嘬起嘴唇呷了一口茶。
"I suppose so," said Mrs. Dursley stiffly.“我想是吧。”德思礼太太干巴巴地说。
Mr. Dursley crept to the bedroom window and peered down into the front garden. 德思礼先生轻手轻脚来到卧室窗前,看看前面的花园。
he yawned and turned over 他打了个哈欠,翻过身去。
tuck into his belt 塞到裤腰带里面去
He was busy rummaging in his cloak, looking for something. 他忙着在斗篷口袋里翻寻,好像在找什么东西。
He chuckled and muttered, "I should have known."他咯咯笑着,嘟哝说:“我早就该想到了。”
It seemed to be a silver cigarette lighter. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. 看起来像一只银制打火机。他把它轻轻弹开,高举起来,咔哒一声
V-T/V-I If something flicks in a particular direction, or if someone flicks it, it moves with a short, sudden movement. 迅速地移动
例:His tongue flicked across his lips.他的舌头在双唇间快速移动。He flicked his cigarette out of the window.他倏地一下把香烟弹出了窗外。
2.N-COUNT Flick is also a noun. 快速的移动
例:...a flick of a paintbrush.…画笔的一次快速移动。
3.V-T If you flick something away, or off something else, you remove it with a quick movement of your hand or finger. (用手或手指) 弹掉
例:Shirley flicked a piece of lint from the sleeve of her black suit.雪莉轻轻弹掉了黑色套装袖子上的一块棉绒。
4.V-T If you flick something such as a whip or a towel, or flick something with it, you hold one end of it and move your hand quickly up and then forward, so that the other end moves. 抽打
例:She sighed and flicked a dishcloth at the counter.她叹了口气,用一块洗碗布在柜台上抽打了一下。
5.N-COUNT Flick is also a noun. 抽打
例:...a flick of the whip.…鞭子的一下轻抽。
6.V-T If you flick a switch, or flick an electrical appliance on or off, you press the switch sharply so that it moves into a different position and works the equipment. 啪地打开或关掉 (开关或电器)
例:Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off.萨姆正啪啪不停地开关着手电筒。
7.V-I If you flick through a book or magazine, you turn its pages quickly, for example, to get a general idea of its contents or to look for a particular item. If you flick through television channels, you continually change channels very quickly, usually using a remote control. 快速翻看
例:She was flicking through some magazines on a table.她正在快速翻阅桌子上的一些杂志。
8.N-SING Flick is also a noun. 快速翻看
例:I thought I'd have a quick flick through some recent issues.我想我要快速浏览一下最近的几期杂志了。
Dumbledore slipped the Put-Outer back inside his cloak and set off down the street toward number four邓布利多把熄灯器放回斗篷里边的口袋里,之后就顺着街道向四号走去
"Yes, yes, it's all very sad, but get a grip on yourself, Hagrid, or we'll be found," Professor McGonagall whispered, patting Hagrid gingerly on the arm as Dumbledore stepped over the low garden wall and walked to the front door. He laid Harry gently on the doorstep, took a letter out of his cloak, tucked it inside Harry's blankets, and then came back to the other two. For a full minute the three of them stood and looked at the little bundle; Hagrid's shoulders shook, Professor McGonagall blinked furiously, and the twinkling light that usually shone from Dumbledore's eyes seemed to have gone out.“是啊,是啊,是令人难过,可你得把握住自己,不然我们会被发现的。”麦格教授小声说,轻轻拍了一下海格的臂膀。这时邓布利多正跨过花园低矮的院墙,朝大门走去。他轻轻把哈利放到大门口的台阶上,从斗篷里掏出一封信,塞到哈利的毛毯里,然后回到另外两个人身边。他们三人站在那里对小小的毯子注视了足有一分钟。海格的肩膀在抖动,麦格教授拼命眨眼,邓布利多一向闪光的眼睛也暗淡无光了。
The cat's tail twitched and its eyes narrowed.猫尾巴抖动了一下,眼睛眯成了一条缝。
It was sitting as still as a statue, its eyes fixed unblinkingly on the far corner of Privet Drive. It didn't so much as quiver when a car door slammed on the next street, nor when two owls swooped overhead.它卧在墙头上,宛如一座雕像,纹丝不动,目不转睛地盯着女贞路远处的街角。邻街的一辆汽车砰的一声关上车门,两只猫头鹰扑扇着从头顶上飞过,它也一动不动。
Professor McGonagall sniffed angrily.麦格教授气呼呼地吸了一口气。
She jerked her head back at the Dursleys' dark living-room window.她猛地把头转向德思礼家漆黑的起居室窗口
Professor McGonagall flinched, but Dumbledore, who was unsticking two lemon drops, seemed not to notice麦格教授打了个寒噤,可邓布利多在掰两块粘在一起的雪糕,似乎没有留意。
"What they're saying," she pressed on, "is that last night Voldemort turned up in Godric's Hollow. He went to find the Potters. The rumor is that Lily and James Potter are -- are -- that they're -- dead. "“他们说,”她不依不饶地说,“昨天夜里伏地魔绕到高锥克山谷。他们是去找波特夫妇的,谣传莉莉和詹姆波特都……都他们都已经……死了。”
Dumbledore bowed his head. Professor McGonagall gasped.邓布利多低下头。麦格教授倒抽了一口气,
Dumbledore reached out and patted her on the shoulder. "I know... I know..." he said heavily.邓布利多伸手拍了拍她肩膀。“我知道……我知道……”他心情沉重地说。
Professor McGonagall's voice trembled as she went on.麦格教授接着往下说,她的声音颤抖了。
Dumbledore nodded glumly.邓布利多愁眉不展地点了点头。
· "It's -- it's true?" faltered Professor McGonagall.“这……这是真的吗?”麦格教授用颤巍巍的声音说
.V-I If you falter/ˈfɔːltə/ , you lose your confidence and stop doing something or start making mistakes. 犹豫 例:I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.我对崭新未来的追求未曾犹豫过。
Professor McGonagall pulled out a lace handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes beneath her spectacles. Dumbledore gave a great sniff as he took a golden watch from his pocket and examined it.麦格教授掏出一块花边手帕轻轻拭了拭镜片后边的眼睛。邓布利多深深吸了一口气,从衣袋里掏出一块金表,认真看起来
I saw him kicking his mother all the way up the street, screaming for sweets. 我看见他在大街上一路用脚踢他母亲,吵着要糖吃
Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, changed her mind, swallowed, and then said, "Yes -- yes, you're right, of course. But how is the boy getting here, Dumbledore?" She eyed his cloak suddenly as though she thought he might be hiding Harry underneath it.麦格教授张开嘴,改变了看法。她咽了口唾沫,接着说:“是啊……是啊,当然您是对

好了,大家一起好好学习天天向上吧,参加英音集训营的宝宝们希望能够好好学,争取让throw you a dirty look(鄙视你)的室友爱上你的皇室发音,耳朵怀上双胞胎~