The English title[GEO solar term original artwork exhibition]Some more moments from Qīngmíng for youByPeople who cherish the moments of Qīngmíng
与之前节气摄影系列推送相似,题图用ppt添加了位置示意,地图截取自:Similar to previous posts of solar terms, I use ppt to add locations, the map source:昨天已经更新了第一波,详情请见:Yesterday I updated the first wave:九个地方的清明时刻 |GEO节气作品展【GEO solar term exhibitions】Moments in Qīngmíng from 9 places今天更新收到的分享,按照纬度从高到低分别是:Today I will update what I received based on latitudes:Taunton 汤顿 51.00153° N, 3.1068° W浙江 安吉 Anji 30.6387° N, 119.6804° E广东 深圳 Shenzhen 22.5431° N, 114.0579° ETaunton 汤顿 51.00153° N, 3.1068° W
We have lots of vegetables growing now, hope it will make us prepared!我们有很多植物都在生长中,希望这会让我们做好准备!
All credit to LunaFour photos at 15:30 by Huawei上述四张图都是Luna用华为手机在2020.4.4 15:30拍摄的
The painiting Luna did to pass the timeLuna 为消磨时间画的一幅画I asked Luna a question in relation to the current situation:What has the pandemic made you realise?我问了Luna一个和现状相关的问题:这次全球疫情让你意识到了什么?Here is her answer after sending me the photos and her painting:这是她发给我图片和画作之后的回答:I think that above anything, the virus has made me appreciate the benefits of my home. My garden feels like a kind of heaven, an oasis where I can get fresh air safely. I especially appreciate it because I remember what it is like to live in a small flat with no garden. I think of you in your little room every day and I wish you could come and sit in the garden with me.我想所有事情之外,首先这个病毒让我意识到要珍惜自己家的好。我的花园让我觉得像在一个小的乐园、绿洲一样,我可以在这里安全地享受新鲜空气。我特别感恩于这一点是因为我记得自己住在一个小小的没有花园的公寓是什么样的感受。我每天都会想到你在你的小房间里,我希望你也能来和我一坐在花园里。陶理的观看感受:Hermione's feelings:How blessed I am to have a friend who knows me so well and think of me even we are apart. I feel grateful and also look forward to the visit to Taunton again after the quarantine. I know Luna so well that I am sure she, who saves the world by being a climate scientist, is also concerned about the homeless, the refugees and the climate justice, and of course they are all important and urgent. And it does not mean that we cannot take a break in our little oasis and think of our friends too.我觉得自己超级被上天眷顾能够有这样一个朋友如此了解我,而且还想着我。我觉得很感恩,也很期待在疫情带来的隔离结束之后再去汤顿。我也很了解Luna,我知道她作为气候科学家拯救世界的同时,肯定也在担心着无家可归的人,难民以及气候公正这些紧迫的议题。而这并不意味着有着这些忧虑的我们就不能够在自己的小绿洲里喘息一下,也思念着自己的朋友。浙江 安吉 Anji 30.6387° N, 119.6804° E