【征集】2020国际女性日的主题是每个人的平等 #EachforEqual

【Collecting】2020 International Women's Day 2020 campaign theme is #EachforEqual


Always here to collect your photos and stories












I am practising my translation without anyone's permission. If the original publisher thinks this is inappropriate, I am sorry and please contact me for deletion. If you are also interested in translation, please feel free to let me know your translation. I know I am not capable of a good translation.


Talking back to what I want to collect , I would like to collect from every reader who is reading this post. As long as you are interested in #each for equal, I do not look at your gender, age nor race, all I need from you is to do like what they did in the photo above, take a photo, and send it to me. Where to take your photo, what to wear are all your freedom. To protect your privacy, of course you can wear a mask. In view of safety and health, you can take your photo at home. And I sincerely hope that you do not overuse the PS.


And beside photos, I also hope that you can share a story of a woman. As long as you know this is really happening or happened to some woman. You do not need to be the leading character in the story you tell, but I do hope it is a rarely-known real story with details. For 'real', I mean you get first-hand data, the woman you are talking about can be someone you know, like one of your friends or your mother, or your grandmother on your mother's side.


What I truly want to see is that more un-sung female figures can get their stories told from their heirs or friends. However, if you still want to share a story you read in a book, some celebrity's story, or some important female figure but got hidden for a long time, it is totally okay.


In general, I want the story you share is at least true from your best knowledge, and the story touches you, makes you feel the energy inside the story empowers you to be condient in #eachforequal.


Then do not keep it to yourself, tell me! And let me translate for a wider audience. Taking into consideration of my intellectual level, could you please try to use plain language when telling the story? I hope no story is told in classical Chinese, not because they are not good, just beyond my capcity. I also hope that you do not use too complicated words to decorate your story, again, I am not very good at translating.


I cannot control the way you tell the story, but want to remind you that most people including me, are not very good at understanding the classical, plain language is easier to understand. And we also need details and background to understand better.


What I am collecting 




A photo with the symbol of #eachforequal

A story of a woman you want to share (try to tell the real story in plain language)

A name you want to use when you share (can remain Anonymous)


Of course you can choose to only provide your photo or only share a story, but as an organiser, I hope that you can do both.


The time I am collecting

第一期:2020.3.8 你临睡前

The first cohort The time before your sleep at 8th March 2020

第二期:2020.4.8 你临睡前

The second cohort The time before your sleep at 8th April 2020

第三期:2020.5.8 你临睡前

The second cohort The time before your sleep at 8th May 2020


I think you can see the pattern now, I do not want to let this stop. I will post something to encourage readers to share the story.


Ways to share with me

