Frequently Asked Questions on Deviations
April 2, 2021
Susan J. Schniepp , StevenJ. Lynn
Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology-04-02-2021, Volume 45, Issue 4
Q. What is a deviation and do all deviations need to be investigated?
A. A deviation is when there is a failure to follow the instructionsguiding the performance of how an activity should be executed for optimalresults. Simply put, deviations result from people not following their standardoperating procedures (SOP), work instructions, batch record instructions, orother documents that explain what needs to be done in performing certainfunctions or tasks. Deviations relate to non-compliance and are a seriousissue. While not all deviations are equal in their impact on product andquality, all should be investigated.
Q. What is a planned deviation?
A. In our opinion, there is no suchthing as a planned deviation. Planned deviations were supposed to justifychanges from SOPs that would be utilized to carry out the operation over acertain period of time. The current thinking by regulatory authorities is thereis no such thing as a planned deviation. During a breakfast session at the 2018PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference, a representative from the FDA stated,“it’s a very strange term, and it kind of makes your skin crawl a little bit”(1). If you need to make a change to a procedure for a short period of time, wesuggest you use the change control system to document the change. This may seemlike a picky point, but until the change is evaluated for its impact on theprocess validation requirements and formally documented in a change control,encouraging the deviation’s continued use is supporting a posture ofnon-compliance.
在我们看来,没有所谓的计划性偏差。计划性偏差是用以支持临时采取的超出SOP的做法的合理性。监管当局目前的想法是,没有所谓的计划性偏差。在2018年PDA/FDA联合监管会议上,FDA的一位代表表示:“这是一个非常奇怪的术语,它有点让你起鸡皮疙瘩。” 如果你需要临时对程序进行变更,我们建议使用变更控制系统来记录变更。这似乎有点吹毛求疵,但是如不对变更对工艺验证需求的影响进行评估并正式记录在变更控制中,而继续使用计划性偏差将出现不合规的情况。
Q. What’s the best process forinvestigating deviations?
A. There is no single best process forinvestigating deviations. The ultimate goal of deviation investigations is todetermine why something went wrong, what caused it to go wrong, and how toaddress the issue and prevent its recurrence. To achieve successful resolutionof deviations, keep the following general considerations in mind:
A one-size investigation doesn’t fit all situations. Simple errors require simple documentation while more serious deviations require broader investigations.
The best tool to have is inquisitiveness. Ask yourself how far this deviation could extend.
Widen your perspective. Look for ways to relate, not separate, similar issues.
Human error is rarely a sufficient root cause.
Always verify information or your instincts and never assume you are correct without proper data to support your instincts.

