Journal of Hazardous Materials:基于低重金属积累品种的植物阻隔技术综述...

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员廖晓勇研究组在论文中综述了多年来国内外在低重金属积累品种(Low HM accumulating cultivars, LACs)领域取得的重要进展,定义和完善了LACs概念和鉴定标准,评估发现已鉴定的低镉积累水稻品种平均降镉率为58%,应用效果显著。相关成果发表于Journal of Hazardous MaterialsIF=9.038)。




·LACs are a promising approach for safe utilization of farmland.

·A clear consensus on the concept and identification of LACs has not yet been reached.

·Marker-assisted selection can facilitate LACs screening and breeding.

·Multiple mechanisms of low Cd accumulation in LACs are systematically proposed.

·A practical framework should be based on LACs along with other measures.


Heavy metal (HM) pollution of farmland is a serious problem worldwide and consumption of HM-contaminated food products poses significant public health risks. Phytoexclusion using low HM accumulating cultivars (LACs) is a promising and practical technology to mitigate the risk of HM contamination of agricultural products grown in polluted soils, and does not alter cultivation practices, is easy to apply, and is economical. This review provides an overview of the major scientific advances accomplished in the field of LACs worldwide. The LACs concept and identification criteria are presented, and the known LACs among currently cultivated grain crops and vegetables are re-evaluated. The low HM accumulation by LACs is affected by crop ecophysiological features and soil physicochemical characteristics. Taking low Cd accumulating cultivars as an example, it is known that they can efficiently exclude Cd from entering their edible parts in three ways: 1) decrease in root Cd uptake by reducing organic acids secretion in the rhizosphere and transport protein production; 2) restriction of Cd translocation from roots to shoots via enhanced Cd retention in the cell wall and Cd sequestration in vacuoles; and 3) reduction in Cd translocation from shoots to grains by limiting Cd redirection and remobilization mediated through nodes. We propose an LAC application strategy focused on LACs and optimized to work with other agronomic measures according to the classification of HM risk level for LACs, providing a cost-effective and practical solution for safe utilization of large areas of farmland polluted with low to moderate levels of HMs.

农田土壤重金属污染已成为世界范围内的环境问题,给粮食安全和公众健康带来威胁。基于低重金属积累品种(Low HM accumulating cultivars, LACs)的植物阻隔技术被认为是一项应用前景广阔、实用性强的农田土壤绿色修复新技术。然而,目前对于LACs的概念、筛选鉴定标准、重金属低积累的生物化学机制以及区域性的应用策略仍存在许多不确定性。


图1 低镉积累水稻品种镉低积累的生物学机制

图2 基于低累积作物品种的区域受污染耕地安全利用技术策略


校对和审核:张阳  王农

