越南摄影师Duong Quoc Dinh镜头下的越南女人,除了漂亮,更多了一些妩媚、古典美。
Duong Quoc Dinh 擅长拍摄古典艺术人像,他将传统东方文学,艺术元素融入画面,譬如古建筑,古装等,镜头里常常出现的还有荷花,荷叶,荷田,用来衬托清雅韵致的美人,营造出画卷般、诗意般的氛围。

另外,Duong Quoc Dinh也会在作品中加入一些想象的元素,让画面充满超现实感和魔幻魅力。Duong Quoc Dinh说,“在我还只是一个孩子的时候,生活是非常困难的,但我的艺术激情是丰富的。”

Vietnamese women, to many people's first impression is beautiful and gentle. Vietnamese photographer Duong Quoc

Dinh Shows Vietnamese women with more glamour and classical beauty than beauty.

The photographer is good at the classical art portrait, the traditional Oriental Literature, artistic elements into the picture, ancient architecture, ancient costume,

classical beauty, often there are lotus, Lotus Leaf, Lotus field, set off the beauty of elegant charm,

To create a picture-like, poetic feeling. In addition, he will also add some imaginary elements in the work, so that the picture full of surreal and magical charm.