


在这项双盲随机研究中,根据随机数字表法将330例患者分为3组:纳布啡组(N)、利多卡因组(L)和对照组(C)。N、L和C组分别接受0.1 mg/kg纳布啡、0.5 mg/kg利多卡因或等量生理盐水作为预处理药物。然后静脉注射异丙酚。本研究的主要结果是异丙酚诱导一起注射痛的发生率,次要结果包括异丙酚诱导引起注射痛的严重程度、生命体征和不良事件,包括低血压、心动过缓(<50次/分钟)、低氧血症(SpO2<90%)、嗜睡、体动和咳嗽。


0.1 mg/kg纳布啡预处理能有效减轻异丙酚诱导的注射痛和异丙酚用量。异丙酚联合纳布啡用于胃镜检查安全有效。

Comparison Between Intravenous Nalbuphine and Lidocaine in Reducing Propofol-Induced Injection Pain During Gastroscopy: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Introduction: Intravenous propofol anesthesia is widely used in painless endoscopy. However, propofol injection pain is a common adverse effect. This study investigated the effects of nalbuphine and lidocaine in reducing propofol-induced injection pain.
Methods: In this double-blind, randomized study, 330 patients were randomly divided into three groups by using a random number table: the nalbuphine group (N), lidocaine group (L), and control group (C). The N, L, and C groups received either 0.1 mg/kg nalbuphine, 0.5 mg/ kg lidocaine, or an equivalent volume of normal
saline, respectively, as pretreatment drug. Then propofol was manually injected. The primary outcome of this study was the incidence of propofol-induced injection pain, and secondary outcomes included the severity of propofol-induced injection pain, vital signs, and adverse events, including hypotension, bradycardia (<50 beats/min), hypoxemia (SpO2<90%), drowsiness, physical movement, and cough.
Results: The percentages of patients with propofol injection pain were higher in group C than in group N and group L (64, 34, and 27%, respectively, p < 0.05). The percentage of patients with severe pain after propofol injection was signifificantly higher in group C than in group N and group L (12, 1, and 0%, respectively, p <0.05).The doses of propofol in group C and group L were signifificantly higher than that in group N. More patients suffered hypoxemia in group N than in group C and group L. Then, less patients got physical movement and cough in group N.
Conclusions: Pretreatment with nalbuphine 0.1 mg/kg was effective in reducing propofol-induced injection pain and propofol consumption. Propofol combined with nalbuphine can be safely and effectively used during gastroscopy.
原始文献来源:Jiang Wang . Jinjuan Duan . Cuiyu Xie . Yongqi Yu . Yao Lu.Comparison Between Intravenous Nalbuphine and Lidocaine in Reducing Propofol-Induced Injection Pain During Gastroscopy: A Randomized
Controlled Trial.Pain Ther 2020 Dec;9(2):563-571. doi:10.1007/s40122-020-00188-y.