c.P - Work instructions? YES/NO
d.P - Methodology for revision of tests? YES/NO
e.P - Methodology for validation of tests including repeatability, capability, coverage? YES/NO
f.P - Assembly identification including customer specific requirements? YES/NO
g.P - Identification and segregation of passed and failed assembly? YES/NO
h.P - Failure analysis for close loop improvement? YES/NO
i.P - Serialization and traceability of test results and/or measurements according to customer requirements? YES/NO
j.P - Packaging / handling done as required? YES/NO
Manual Testing COMPLIANCE
21.5.1.C Is there evidence of operator training on ESD, handling, setup, operation, acceptance criteria? YES/NO
21.5.2.C Is there evidence that maintenance has been carried out including calibration in accordance with the maintenance program? YES/NO
21.5.3.C Are the test operations carried out in the order defined in the procedure? YES/NO
21.5.4.C Is there evidence that the test configuration has been set-up according to the part number revision? YES/NO
21.5.5.C Is there evidence that work instructions are always used at the work stations? YES/NO
21.5.6.C Is there evidence that the methodology of tests revision is followed? YES/NO
21.5.7.C Is there evidence that the methodology for validation of test (repeatability, capability, coverage, mechanical, and electrical damage) is being performed as per procedure? YES/NO
21.5.8.C Is the product identified as required by the procedure? YES/NO
21.5.9.C When a failed product is found, is it segregated and identified as required by the procedure? YES/NO
21.5.10.C Is there a closed loop improvement based on failure analysis? YES/NO
21.5.11.C Is there evidence of test results and / or test measurements recorded as required by the procedure? YES/NO
21.5.12.C Is there evidence of assembly acceptance (e.g.: stamp…)? YES/NO
21.5.13.C Is the product packaged and handled as required by the procedure? YES/NO
21.6 Functional Testing N/A
21.6.1.P Are there procedures that define:
a.P - Order in which the tests are carried out? YES/NO
b.P - Setup and configuration for tools, fixtures, jigs and programs? YES/NO
c.P - Work instructions? YES/NO
d.P - Methodology for revision of tests including test program? YES/NO
e.P - Methodology for validation of tests including repeatability, capability, coverage? YES/NO
f.P - Assembly identification including customer specific requirements? YES/NO
g.P - Identification and segregation of passed and failed assembly? YES/NO
h.P - Failure analysis for close loop improvement? YES/NO
i.P - Serialization and traceability of test results and/or measurements according to customer requirements? YES/NO
j.P - Packaging / handling done as required? YES/NO
Functional Testing COMPLIANCE
21.6.1.C Is there evidence of operator training on ESD, handling, setup, operation, acceptance