Crystal Ball《Look in my eyes》



Everyday music





名:《Look in my eyes》

歌者 Crystal Ball

词曲Crystal Ball

流派 摇滚金属



You stand there at the door last night

You looked at me, I knew

You kept our secret inside

Every time you’re close to me

It was like in my dreams

I thought our love was a fantasy

“Catch the dreams and don’t give up tonight”

“I touch your soul”

Deep inside I hear your words

Look in my eyes

You’ll see there’s no reason

For any doubts nor any lies

The time has come and you are gone

I miss the promises

And love from the shining sun

And first you said just trust in me

And now you’ve changed your mind and say

That it’s better to be free

“Forget the dreams and walk away from me”

“And don’t look back”

But deep inside I hear your words

Look in my eyes

You’ll see there’s no reason

For any doubts nor any lies

Look in my eyes

But now it’s too late

I cry another thousand tears

All the nights I spent with you

Can’t forget the time we shared

And the pain is hard to bear



今天分享一首来自Crystal Ball(水晶球乐队)的《Look in my eyes》。

今天带来的歌曲来自一支瑞士的旋律硬摇乐队Crystal Ball。乐队成立于1995年,当时的名字乐队,名为“Cherry Pie(樱桃派)”。1998年才算正式成立。改名为Crystal Ball。这首歌来自他们2002年的专辑《Virtual Empire(虚拟世界)》当时乐队的阵容是:

马克·斯威尼(Mark Sweeney) :主唱

斯科特·利奇(Scott Leach) :主音律吉他

汤姆·格拉伯(Tom Graber) :键盘和节奏吉他

DanySchällibaum :贝斯

Marcel Sardella :鼓



所以喜欢直接听爽的曲子的可以听听他们的《Anyone Can Be a Hero》这首歌从开始就是强力的金属刺激感。这首歌也是他们成名作。

还有一首小E也很喜欢,喜欢像开枪射击一样的声音。《Digital World》大家可以感受一下。好啦小E继续发掘其他的歌曲了。大家在音乐中享受吧。

