


class ServiceFileInfo    {        // service1        public static string txtFilePath = @"";        //userid & password        public static string txtUID = "username";        public static string txtPWD = "password";    }

2.通过主方法读取Bean文件下面的的ServiceFileInfo.cs文件的信息,去实现建立FTP连接。这里还需要清楚的知道你上传文件的路径(Path)和文件名称(FileName)。根据这些信息主方法去调用写着Bean中的另外一个ftpOperation.cs 文件(这个.cs文件中主要写一些关于FTP的操作方法),进行FTP访问操作。

  • 主方法调用FTP操作代码
ExecutionResult exeRes = this.ftpOperation.UploadFile(textFilePath, txtUID, txtPWD, Path + "/" + FileName + ".txt");//.txt为文件的后缀名
  • Bean文件中ftpOperation.cs文件关于FTP操作的方法
public ExecutionResult UploadFile(string vIMSPath, string vUID, string vPassword, string vLocalPath)        {            ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult();            result = connectState(vIMSPath, vUID, vPassword, vLocalPath);//调用下面代码方法            if (result.Status)            {                File.Delete(vLocalPath);            }            return result;        }


public static ExecutionResult connectState(string vIMSPath, string vUID, string vPassword, string fileName)        {            string operater = "";            bool Flag = false;            ExecutionResult result;            result = new ExecutionResult();            lock (lockObj)            {                try                {                    operater = "Connet to FTP";                    FTPOperation ftp = new FTPOperation(new Uri(vIMSPath), vUID, vPassword);                    operater = "Upload file";                    Flag = ftp.UploadFile(fileName, Path.GetFileName(fileName), true);                    if (Flag)                    {                        result.Status = true;                        result.Message = "Send to server OK";                    }                }                catch (Exception ex)                {                    result.Status = false;                    result.Anything = "Mail";                    result.Message = operater + ":" + ex.Message;                }            }            return result;        }
  • UploadFile()方法
public bool UploadFile(string LocalFullPath, string RemoteFileName, bool OverWriteRemoteFile)        {            bool result;            try            {                bool flag = !this.IsValidFileChars(RemoteFileName) || !this.IsValidFileChars(Path.GetFileName(LocalFullPath)) || !this.IsValidPathChars(Path.GetDirectoryName(LocalFullPath));                if (flag)                {                    throw new Exception("非法文件名或目录名!");                }                bool flag2 = File.Exists(LocalFullPath);                if (!flag2)                {                    throw new Exception("本地文件不存在!");                }                FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(LocalFullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);                byte[] array = new byte[fileStream.Length];                fileStream.Read(array, 0, (int)fileStream.Length);                fileStream.Close();                result = this.UploadFile(array, RemoteFileName, OverWriteRemoteFile);            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                this.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();                throw ex;            }            return result;        }public bool UploadFile(byte[] FileBytes, string RemoteFileName)        {            bool flag = !this.IsValidFileChars(RemoteFileName);            if (flag)            {                throw new Exception("非法文件名或目录名!");            }            return this.UploadFile(FileBytes, RemoteFileName, false);        }public bool UploadFile(byte[] FileBytes, string RemoteFileName, bool OverWriteRemoteFile)        {            bool result;            try            {                bool flag = !this.IsValidFileChars(RemoteFileName);                if (flag)                {                    throw new Exception("非法文件名!");                }                bool flag2 = !OverWriteRemoteFile && this.FileExist(RemoteFileName);                if (flag2)                {                    throw new Exception("FTP服务上面已经存在同名文件!");                }                this.Response = this.Open(new Uri(this.Uri.ToString() + RemoteFileName), "STOR");                Stream requestStream = this.Request.GetRequestStream();                MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(FileBytes);                byte[] array = new byte[1024];                int num = 0;                for (;;)                {                    int num2 = memoryStream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);                    bool flag3 = num2 == 0;                    if (flag3)                    {                        break;                    }                    num += num2;                    requestStream.Write(array, 0, num2);                }                requestStream.Close();                this.Response = (FtpWebResponse)this.Request.GetResponse();                memoryStream.Close();                memoryStream.Dispose();                FileBytes = null;                result = true;            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                this.ErrorMsg = ex.ToString();                throw ex;            }            return result;        }


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