
2018年4月,建造业议会与发展局合办了 「组装合成」建筑法国际研讨会. ,邀请美国、英国、澳洲、新加坡、中国内陆及本地的专家分享世界各地采用「组装合成」的成功例子、发展机遇及挑战,让业界能够清楚了解行业的最新发展趋势。



Our Mission // As the Voice of Commercial Modular Construction , MBI expands the use of offsite construction through innovative construction practices, outreach and education to the construction community and customers, and recognition of high-quality modular designs and facilities.


About MBI: International Association -320 member companies -70% United States -20% Canada -10% Various Countries -90 North American modular manufacturers


North American Segments: Relocatable vs. Permanent


About half of the industry revenue is generated from the sale or lease of temporary space.

Provides market with instant relief for space needs.

Generally 1-7 year requirements on a site.

Lower cost/price driven.

Stock/fleet space often available.

Economy and speed of delivery are key.

Design considerations are lower.








About half of the industry builds permanent space.

Provides markets with permanence and performance of conventional construction in roughly half the time.

Permanent installation with a life cycle expectancy identical to conventional. Competitively priced with site built Design considerations are higher.

Can be wood (70%), steel (25%), or concrete (5%).






MBI s 5 in 5 Initiative

Goal is to grow the commercial modular market share to 5% of new construction starts in North America in the next 5 years in key modular markets.

Currently about 3%.

Key markets include: Education Healthcare Office/Administrative Multi family/Commercial housing Commercial/retail Institutional/Industrial




Case Study Multi family

Multi Family Housing 32-story Pacific Park, Brooklyn, NY

Multi Family Housing More common five story wood frame

 Educational Facilities

Challenges in North America


 North American modular industry is still largely fragmented with over 200 modular (and no dominant) manufacturers.

 Manufacturers build for multiple markets in multiple geographies and climates.

 No standardized “processes” – each factory does it there way.

 No standard prototypes or floor plans – each project is custom designed.

 All construction codes and contracts written for in-situ/on-site built environment. Modular must meet the site-built code.

 U.S. Government not addressing /recognizing construction industry challenges.

 Biggest challenge is perception of modular! Many people hear “modular” and think this:



 MBI is working with various groups to remove barriers and promote growth including:  International Code Council – developing guidelines and code language specific to modular industry.

 Working with administrative agencies to standardize and streamline the approval process for modular.

 American Institute of Architects (AIA) – developing a design guideline for architects considering modular.

 Working with traditional general contractors to educate them about scheduling, insurance, transportation, and legal considerations.

 International case studies and best practices – knowledge exchanges within the industry.

美国建筑师协会(AIA) -为考虑模块化的建筑师开发设计指南。

Opportunities to Share Best Practices

 MBI recently launched its “European Advisory Council” to better engage its membership in that part of the world.

 Currently about a dozen members with plans to meet in September in Munich, Germany.

 Networking, idea and knowledge exchange, leadership opportunities within MBI.

 MBI’s Awards of Distinction Contest & Project Database




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