


PARCS—— 命名源于“公园”—— 是对“新办公方式”的深刻诠释,由全球著名设计师Luke Pearson和Tom Lloyd倾情演绎。它的出发点皆是围绕着办公室中的同步交流,创造沟通机会和促进团队合作而展开。

“研发PARCS过程中最大的挑战就在于,我们要跟'人只能坐于桌前才有效率’的传统观念保持足够的距离。”Tom Lloyd说。


自2009年10月PARCS诞生的那一刻起,它的足迹开始遍布于世界的各个角落,包括最新完成的Air Liquid Research, Livit AG, 欧莱雅和Multi Media Marketing公司等。所到之处,PACRS都留下了足够的休闲,共享和创意空间,符合当下最新的办公设计潮流。

“新的工作环境意味着个性化、协作性、数字化和灵活度。作为行业的引领者,Bene回顾了过去十年的发展与变迁,通过PARCS的植入,我们证实了有效沟通对于激发创意的重要性,同时打破了传统办公空间的固有观念。至此以后,公共空间和休闲区域就成为了当代办公环境的标准配置,”Bene销售、市场与创新董事Michael Fried在揭示PARCS成功的奥义时说道。

PearsonLloyd的创始合伙人Luke Pearson与Tom Lloyd
“PARCS也是Bene与PearsonLloyd的第一次合作,在它之后,TIMBA, RIYA,Bay座椅和沙发也相继问世,我们在今后还将碰撞出更多的创新理念。”Fried补充道。

Bene is currently celebrating the 10-year anniversary of this colourful, creative furniture range that quickly became a classic and is now a standard feature of modern office environments.
Today’s modern workplace setting is characterised by multi-functional, unstructured office layouts with open spaces that encourage dialogue and teamwork. That hasn’t always been the case. Aloof colour schemes and angular forms were typical for offices in the 1980s and 90s.
In 2009 a new kind of furniture was launched: PARCS inspired unconventional office layouts, breaking out from established formats and routines. Jointly developed by the London design duo PearsonLloyd, it defined a new style of office interaction – informal, inspirational and communicative.
PARCS – its name derived from the concept of a “park” – was the result of a two-year research project on “New ways of working”, and was developed in collaboration with the internationally renowned designers Luke Pearson and Tom Lloyd. It promises multifunctional layouts that define different spaces and encourage communication in the office.
“When we were developing PARCS, the challenge was to distance ourselves from the idea that people can only be productive if they’re sitting at a desk.” – Tom Lloyd
Bene made office layouts more open and more versatile. Rather like a park in a big city, PARCS creates collective zones between workstations in the office, linking and inviting employees to get together.
Since the initial launch of PARCS in October 2009, Bene has used it for countless office designs throughout the world – including recent projects for Air Liquid Research, Livit AG, L'Oréal and Multi Media Marketing. PARCS added a new dimension to office interiors: places for relaxation, inspiration and exchange of ideas are seen as essential today.
“The new working environment is individual, networked, digital and flexible. As trendsetters in the industry, Bene recognised this ten years ago: with PARCS we presented a social concept where ideas develop in an environment of constant interaction, as opposed to the old industrial model of an efficient office. Ever since, modern office environments have included zones for cooperative work and an inspirational exchange of ideas, alongside spaces for temporary retreat,” says Michael Fried, Executive Board Member for Sales, Marketing and Innovation at Bene, explaining the lasting success of PARCS.
He continues: “PARCS was the product of the first collaboration between Bene and PearsonLloyd, and the beginning of an enduring partnership. TIMBA, RIYA, Bay Chair and SETTLE followed, and we are currently working together to develop another new concept.”
In today’s office, collaborative zones are at least as important as the actual workstations. Communication is the oxygen of the modern working environment and vital to the success of a company.