

Japan leads the world in population ageing.
Aged care focuses on nutritional support through scientific and mandated dietary controls.
Lifestyle rehabilitation assumes that health related quality of life can be optimised in aged care settings.
The Japanese government mandates strict staff to resident ratios to ensure quality of care.
Expressions of seasonality and immersion in cultural practices are valued in Japanese aged care.
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Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (Koseirodousho) Report of Survey on Aged Care Service Facilities (Kaigo sabisu shisetsu jigyosho chosa). Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Government, 2010.
Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (Koseirodousho) Report of Survey on Aged Care Service Facilities (Kaigo sabisu shisetsu jigyosho chosa). Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Government, 2010.
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Nagaya Y, Dawson A. Community-based care of the elderly in rural Japan: a review of nurse-led interventions and experiences. J Community Health 2014; 39: 1020 8.