内脏反位是一种先天性畸形,分为全内脏反位(SIT)和部分内脏反位。其中全内脏反位指心、肝、脾、胃、肾等全部内脏左右颠倒,跟正常人的镜面像相似,所以俗称“镜面人”,十分罕见。当全内脏反位的人出现器官疾病,需要手术时,特殊的解剖结构会带来很大的挑战。来自东京医科大学Yohei Koyama等人报告了一例SIT早期胃癌患者的内镜黏膜下剥离术,与大家分享。
Endoscopic submucosal dissection of early gastric cancer in a patient with situs inversus totalis
Situs inversus totalis (SIT)is defined as the complete mirror-image transposition of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. It is a relatively rare congenital anomaly with an incidence of approximately 1 per 4000 to 8000 persons.
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is widely performed as a treatment for early gastric cancer. This strategy uses the effective countertraction produced by gravity, which enables dissections to be performed quickly and safely. However, in patients with SIT, this conventional method is difficult to perform because of the inverted position of the stomach. Previously, Miyaoka et al reported the usefulness of an inverted overtube in patients with SIT, but this overtube is not currently available because it has been discontinued. Herein, we report a patient with SIT and gastric cancer who underwent ESD.
A 74-year-old man with SIT presented to our hospital for further evaluation of suspected gastric cancer identified on screening EGD performed at another hospital.
We performed EGD using a magnifying endoscope (GIF-H290Z; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan), and an 8-mm reddish, depressed lesion was observed on the posterior wall of the antrum. The demarcation line was identified clearly by indigo carmine dye (Figs. 1A and B).
使用放大内镜进行了EGD,在胃窦后壁观察到一个8 mm的发红凹陷型病变。靛蓝胭脂红染色后可清楚识别分界线(图1A和B)。

Figure 1. A, B, An 8-mm, reddish, depressed lesion was observed on the posterior wall of the antrum. The demarcation line was identified clearly by indigo carmine dye.
图1. A,B,在胃窦后壁观察到一个8 mm的红色凹陷型病变。靛蓝胭脂红染色后可清楚识别分界线。
Magnifying narrow-band imaging displayed an irregular microsurface and microvascular patterns surrounded by the demarcation line. No metastatic lesions were displayed on CT (Figs. 2A and B).

Figure 2. A, B, CT scan showed situs inversus totalis, and no metastasis lesion was seen.
图2. A,B,CT扫描显示全内脏反位,未见转移性病变。
Early-stage gastric cancer was strongly suspected on the basis of the endoscopic findings. The entire procedure of ESD is shown in Video, available online at www.VideoGIE.org.
When the patient was positioned in the left decubitus position, the lesion was hidden by gastric fluid because it was located on the gravitational side. Furthermore, a clear endoscopic view and good countertraction could not be obtained in this position (Fig. 3). Therefore, we performed ESD with the patient in the right lateral decubitus position, and the operator stood on the opposite side (Fig. 4).

Figure 3. Endoscopy room setup in the left lateral decubitus position.
图3. 左侧卧位时的内镜室设置。

Figure 4. Endoscopy room setup in the right lateral decubitus position. The operator stood on the opposite side.
图4. 右侧卧位时的内镜室设置。操作员站在对面。
A mixture of glycerol and indigo carmine was used for the submucosal injection. An electrosurgical generator (VIO 300D; ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH, Tubingen, Germany) was set at endocut I (effect 3, duration 3, interval 3) for mucosal incision and forced coagulation and at effect 3, 50 W for submucosal dissection. A circumferential mucosal incision was performed with a 2.0-mm dual knife (KD-650L; Olympus) and an insulated-tip knife (KD-611L; Olympus).
使用甘油和靛蓝胭脂红的混合物进行黏膜下注射。使用电外科发生器(VIO 300D;ERBE),对于黏膜切开和强力电凝,设置为Endocut I(效果3,持续时间3,间隔3);对于黏膜下剥离,设置为效果3,50 W。使用2.0 mm双刀和IT刀进行黏膜圆周形切开。
First, the lesion's lateral margins were marked with a dual knife in forced coagulation mode (effect 3, 30 W). A mucosal incision was made as a pre-cut on the distal side using a dual knife. Next, an insulated-tip knife was inserted into the incision, and circumferential dissection was performed. Submucosal dissection was then performed with an insulated-tip knife.
首先,在强力电凝模式下(效果3,30 W)用双刀标记病变的侧缘。使用双刀在远端建立黏膜切口,作为预切。接下来,将IT刀插入切口中,并进行圆周形剥离。然后用IT刀进行黏膜下剥离。
In the right lateral decubitus position, a clearer endoscopic view and good traction were obtained during ESD, and the tumor was successfully removed en bloc in 15 minutes. There were no procedure-associated adverse events. Histopathologic examination of the resected specimen led to the diagnosis of L, Gre, 25 × 25 mm, Type 0-IIc, 8 × 8 mm, tub1, T1a (M), pUL0, Ly0, V0, pHM0, pVM0, according to the Japanese classification of gastric carcinoma (Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7).
在患者处于右侧卧位时,ESD期间获得更清晰的内镜下视野和良好的牵引力,15分钟内成功将肿瘤整块切除。没有出现与操作相关的不良事件。对切除样本进行的组织病理学检查,根据日本胃癌分类诊断为L,Gre,25×25 mm,0-IIc型,8×8 mm,tub1,T1a(M),pUL0,Ly0,V0,pHM0,pVM0(图5,图6,图7)。

Figure 5. The resected specimen. The histologic imaging in the yellow box is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. A panoramic view. The red line indicates intramucosal lesion. The magnified imaging in the yellow box is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. In the mucosal layer, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma was seen.
In conclusion, ESD in the right lateral decubitus position for patients with SIT is a simple, effective method that does not require other traction devices.
Koyama Y, Kawai T, Matsumoto T, Fukuzawa M, Itoi T. Endoscopic submucosal dissection of early gastric cancer in a patient with situs inversus totalis. VideoGIE. 2020 Jun 9;5(8):347-349. doi: 10.1016/j.vgie.2020.04.021. PMID: 32821864; PMCID: PMC7426708.