第二,一般重要,外界环境,(external circumstances)占比10%;
第三,很关键的,刻意练习,(intentional activities(ABC))占比40%。
A: Affect 情感,情绪
Tara Bennett Goleman, in her book, 'Emotional Alchemy’: ”Mindfulness means seeing things as they are, without trying to change them, the point is to dissolve our reactions to disturbing emotions, being careful not to reject the emotion itself.”
This is what permission to be human is all about.
提到情绪的变化,之前也提到过,分为渐变和突变,像PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)就是一种突变,而且是negative,那什么样的变化是positive突变呢?这时候Tal提到了一个词,中文叫做高峰体验(peak experience)
Maslow’s definition of a peak experience: "It’s a generalization for the best moments of the human being, for the happiest moments of life, for experiences of ecstasy, rapture, bliss, of the greatest joy. I found that such experiences came from profound aesthetic experiences such as creative ecstasies, moment of mature love, perfect sexual experiences, parental love, experiences of natural childbirth, and many others."
To enhance the PPEO(Post Peak Experience Order), we can
接纳自己的各种(permission to be human, acceptance, accepting emotions. painful and enjoyable experience) 活在当下(being present, really listen the music) 具有一个有意义的目标,比如为了教育事业而奋斗(having a meaningful goal) 耐得住性子(not on the rush, it’s killer of peak experience)