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This presentationis provided for informationalpurposesonlyand has been prepared to assistinterested parties in making their ownevaluation with respect to a potentialbusiness combination (the “proposed business combination”) between FaradayFutureand PSAC and related transactions andfor no other purpose. No representations or warranties,express or implied are givenin, orinrespect of, this presentation. To the fullestextent permitted by law in no circumstances will FaradayFuture,PSAC or any oftheirrespective subsidiaries, stockholders,affiliates, representatives, partners, directors,officers, employees, advisers or agentsbe responsible or liable for anydirect, indirect or consequentialloss or loss ofprofitarising from the useofthispresentation, its contents, its omissions, reliance on the informationcontained withinit,oronopinions communicated in relation thereto or otherwisearisinginconnection therewith. Industry and market data used inthis presentation have been obtained from third-party industry publications andsources aswell as from research reports prepared for otherpurposes. Neither Faraday Future nor PSAC has independently verified the dataobtained from these sources andcannot assure you of the data’saccuracyorcompleteness.This datais subject to change.In addition,this presentation does not purport to beall-inclusive or to containall oftheinformation that may berequired tomake a fullanalysis ofFaradayFuture ortheproposed businesscombination. Viewers of thispresentation should each make theirown evaluation of Faraday Futureandoftherelevanceandadequacyoftheinformationandshouldmakesuchotherinvestigationsastheydeemnecessary.