参考答案 Rreference

sowing 播种

weeding 除草

manuring 施肥

harrowing 耙地

extensive farming 粗放式农业(如 放牧)

intensive farming 集约式农业(如畜牧场)

organice farming 有机农业


INTENSIVE farmers spray chemical fertilizers directly on to their crops usually by using a spraying tractor.

This helps the crops grow by giving them all the nutrients they need but these are artificial. ORGANIC farming actually uses the natural process that nature has harnessed over millions of years where the soil itself carries all the necessary nutrients and food the plants need, ready for it to be sucked up in to the plant as and when it needs it. Insects underground are always working on making the soil good through the natural nitrogen cycle. By using a process called CROP ROTATION, the farmer can keep a good soil for many years without resorting to chemicals. Instead he uses manure, kitchen waste and compost.

ORGANIC farmers treat their animals with a lot more care for their welfare. The animals must all be free range which means they are not crammed in to one building together. For example, battery hens are squeezed in to these long sheds where you can get thousands of hens caged up like they are in a prison. They can hardly move and can’t avoid eating each others droppings. Because there are so many in the same place they are ALL fed antibiotics that only a few of them may need! Also, non-directly, chemicals used in INTENSIVE farming and the factories that produce them are slowly killing off the nearby wildlife.

From: http://organics.org/organic-farming-vs-intensive-farming/

