10000亿美金! 苹果正接近人类史上最高市值

背景音乐:DAISUKE ASAKURA - Glaring Dream



Apple CEO Tim Cook made good on his promise: Apple's business in China is growing again.

Apple reported quarterly earnings on Thursday. The company said revenue in China was $9.8 billion during the fourth fiscal quarter, up 12 percent year over year and up 22 percent sequentially. Last quarter, sales were down 10 percent year over year and 25 percent sequentially in the region.

Wall Street Journal/华尔街日报:

Apple Inc. delivered its best quarterly growth in two years with strong sales in all of its key products and a rebound in the critical China market as it prepares to start shipping its most important new iPhone model in a decade.

The Guardian/卫报:

Apple shook off production problems with its latest iPhone on Thursday to report a 19% rise in profits and record pre-sales of iPhone X, the day before its release. The company’s share price hit a record high on the news, moving the company, now worth over $868bn, closer to becoming the world’s first trillion-dollar company.

make good on one’s promise 兑现承诺

quarterly earnings 季度盈利

fiscal quarter 财季

fiscal year 财年

sequentially 环比;连续地

rebound 反弹

ship 出货

shake off 摆脱;抖落

a record high 历史新高




【听】  用讲究的方法,其实可以不费力地“听懂”

【说】  不是练嘴皮,让画面和情境“触发”说英文

【读】  阅读是信息量的最大来源,单词无需死记硬背

【写】  语法究竟为何物?如何轻松攻破?

【福利】 教你避开英语学习的几大普遍误区,提升英语&效率翻倍

