雅思口语 | 8个和狗相关的高分习语
1 put on the dog 摆架子,装腔作势 (二战之后,兴起了养狗热,人们把狗打扮得漂漂亮亮的,显示自己的地位)
This girl likes to put on the dog.
But what I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money.
2 go to the dogs 走向堕落 (表面上大家都爱狗,但是在语言里却是相反的)
I never saw a man go to the dogs so fast . 我从来没有看到过任何人破落得这么快的。
Then I will follow you, comrade, and be drunken and go to the dogs. 那么我就要跟随你,伙伴,喝得烂醉走向堕落灭亡。
3 dog-eared 书折角的,翻旧了的 (折角的书是不是很像狗狗的耳朵呢)
He lent me some dog- eared novels. 他借给我一些翻旧了的小说。
She pulls down from her shelves a dog-eared copy of the journal in which the wiring was first described. 她从书架上取下一本折角的杂志,上面第一次描述了回路。
4 a dog in the manger 损人不利己的人 (在伊索寓言中,狗躺在马槽里,对着来吃草的马乱叫,自己不吃还不让马吃)
You are as a dog in the manger. 你真是个站着茅坑不拉屎的人啊。(从这句话就能看出来汉语真是很形象了

Don't be such a dog in the manger. Give the tennis racket to me since you have classesthis afternoon.
If you don't know how to skate, why don't you give the skates to me? Don't be a dog in themanger. 你若不知道怎么滑冰,干嘛不把冰鞋给我?别占着茅坑不拉屎。
5 Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹麻烦。(你看哈,你跟一条狗不熟悉,人家睡着了,你去靠近,是不是惹麻烦呢)
His second impulse therefore was to let sleeping dogs lie . 他的第二个冲动是不必打草惊蛇。
Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, hecould make real trouble for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie! 这句话的意思是:“你有证据证明你的邻居偷了你的割草机吗?要是你没有证据,又去报了警,他可以给你制造好多麻烦的。你还是算了吧!”
6 dog days 三伏天,大热天 (天狼星the dog star 总是在太阳升起前出现,人们认为是太阳星给太阳增加了热量,于是把这段时期成为 dog star days, 后来简化成dog days)
I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days.
Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days.
The dog days will arrive soon . We'd better install an air conditioner.
7 His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴豆腐心
My boss is actually a good guy. His bark is worse than his bite. 我的老板其实是个好人。他总是刀子嘴,豆腐心。
The manager sometimes talks roughly to the employees, but I've found his bark is worsethan his bite. 经理有时对雇员很凶,便我发现他们话虽刻薄,但并不伤人。
8 bark up the wrong tree 找错目标,白费精力 (猎人常常在夜里捕捉浣熊,猎犬把浣熊赶到树上,就开始狂吠,但有时候猎犬会弄错,对着没有浣熊的树也在那喊)
Mr. Smith may bark up the wrong tree if he thinks he can fool her.