中国学研究重要人物 | 《哈佛中国史》第四卷作者迪特•库恩(Dieter Kuhn)

《哈佛中国史》第四卷作者迪特·库恩(Dieter Kuhn)







01 简介

迪特·库恩(Dieter Kuhn),1946年生,毕业于科隆大学东亚系汉学专业。在柏林自由大学完成教授论文。先后在英国剑桥大学、德国海德堡大学东亚艺术史研究所和柏林大学工作与任教。德国著名汉学家,专精宋史,尤为擅长物质文化史与科技史,20世纪70 年代发表有关于中国古代织机的论著。20世纪80年代便已受李约瑟博士邀请参与其主持的《中国科学技术史》的著述工作。现任维尔茨堡大学(University of Würzburg)汉学系教授和主任。

02 编著成果:


1、2011,The Age of Confucian Rule: The Song Transformation of China (2011)(中文版《儒家统治的时代:宋的转型》,2016年中信出版社出版)(《哈佛中国史》丛书第4卷),

2、1988,《纺织技术:纺纱和缀丝》(Textile Technology: Spinning and Reeling)《中国科学技术史》(李约瑟主编)第五卷第九册(Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 9)

3、1987,Die Song-Dynastie: eine neue Gesellschak im Spiegel ihrer Kultur(《宋代文化史》),Weinheim,



5、1994,Burial in Song China(《宋代墓葬》),收入迪特·库恩主编Wurzburger sinologische Schriften(《威尔茨堡汉学研究丛书》),[德] 海德尔堡(Heidelberg):Edition Forum

03 成果简介(一)



04 成果简介(二)

《纺织技术: 纺纱和缀丝》(Textile Technology: Spinning and Reeling)《中国科学技术史》(李约瑟主编)第五卷第九册(Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Part 9)。主要内容如下:

This study, the first of two parts, gives a comprehensive account of Chinese textiles and textile technology and deals with the evolution of bast fibre spinning and silk-reeling in the history of China. These operations are the basic techniques in the production of yarn and thread, pre-requisite to weaving, and any study of Chinese textile technology must start with the raw material obtained from fibre plants such as hemp, ramie, jute, cotton, etc, and silk reeled off from cocoons of the domestic silkworm. The time-span covered runs from the neolithic to the nineteenth century. Archaeological and pictoral evidence, the bulk of it hitherto unpublished in the West, is brought together with Chinese textual sources (which are extensively translated and interpreted) to illustrate Chinese achievements in this field. Professor Kuhn's study reveals the way in which Chinese textile-technological inventiveness has influenced textile production in other regions of the world and in medieval Europe. It explains how textile technology reached its high point between the tenth and thirteenth centuries and attempts to indicate the reasons for its subsequent relative decline. The development of the textile industry in Europe was a key factor in the rise of capitalism. In the case of China after Sung times, textile technology and the organisation of textile labour may help indicate why such a development did not take place in China.




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