
我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!



大家要多关注这种小词, 因为这些小词高频, 并且它们承载了说话人的语气

准确把握这些词, 常常能帮助你理解好句子意思

uh=表犹豫 uh, is Carol here?
um=表犹豫, Um, but, but I’m trying really hard
well=表轻微转折, -Oh, I uh, just came by to pick up my skull. Well, not mine, but…

yeah=表肯定 Yeah, Carol borrowed it for a class, and I have to get it back to the museum
kinda/sorta=弱化语气 Kinda like a big face without skin.
wow=表惊叹 Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about bein’ a lesbian.

you know=表停顿, Well, you know, you, you have to take a course.
hey=表惊喜, Hey, hey, Yertle the Turtle. A classic.
right?=表询问 Joey, you’re going home, right?.

and=表连接 Um, but, but I’m trying really hard. And, and I think I’m, I’m doing better
'cause=表原因 But we’re celebrating Thanksgiving in December 'cause he’s lunar.
so=表顺承 No, but I hear lyme disease’s open, so, you know.

uh-huh=表赞同 -Excuse me, sir. Hi, you come in here all the time.  -uh-huh
huh=求赞同 How can they do this to us, huh? It’s Thanksgiving.
see=表解释说明 See, every year we go skiing in Vail


从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 Hi, is uh, is Carol here?
嗨, 嗯, Carol在吗?

2 No, she’s at a faculty meeting.
不在, 她去参加一个教师会议了

3 -Oh, I uh, just came by to pick up my skull. Well, not mine, but…  -Come in
-噢, 我, 嗯, 就是过来拿一下我的头颅. 这个, 不是我的, 但… -进来吧

4 Thanks. Yeah, Carol borrowed it for a class, and I have to get it back to the museum.
谢谢. 嗯, Carol上课时借用的, 我得把它送回博物馆去

5 What’s it look like?

6 Kinda like a big face without skin.
有点像一个大大的脸, 没有皮肤

7 Yes, I’m familiar with the concept. We can just look for it.
嗯, 我了解那个概念. 我们就找一下吧

8 Wow, you guys sure have a lot of books about bein’ a lesbian.
哇, 你们可真是有很多关于如何做一名同性恋者的书呀

9 Well, you know, you, you have to take a course. Otherwise, they don’t let you do it.
嗯, 你知道的, 你得先上一个课程. 不然, 他们不允许你做的

10 Hey, hey, Yertle the Turtle. A classic.
嗨, 嗨, Yertle the Turtle. 这可是个经典

11 Actually, I, I’m reading it to the baby.
事实上, 我, 我是在读给宝宝听

12 The uh, the baby that hasn’t been born yet?
额, 那个还没出生的宝宝?

13 Wouldn’t that mean you’re… crazy?

