
Brianne: Hey, Dad! It’s good to see you!

Brianne: 嘿,老爸!见到你真好!

Thomas: Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! That flight was an ordeal, let me tell you.

Thomas: 看见我闺女可不把我高兴坏了!我跟你说,坐这一趟飞机简直是上刑一样。

Brianne: You weren’t sat next to a baby, were you?

Brianne: 蛤?你不会是边上有个小婴儿吧?

Thomas: If only! No, I was all the way in the back, over the wing. No view at all, and next to no legroom. The flight was delayed, as you know, but rather than letting us deplane and stretch our legs, we had to sit around on the runway until it was our turn to take off. Once we finally got in the air, it was turbulence the whole flight, and the gentleman in the aisle seat lost his lunch all over my carry-on.

Thomas: 那倒是好了!没,我一直在后面坐着,在机翅上边。啥好风光都看不到,而且几乎没有伸腿的地方。航班晚点了,对吧,但是也不让我们下飞机伸伸腿。我们就只能老老实实坐着,在跑道上一直等到轮到我们起飞。一飞起来,全程都是颠簸气流,然后靠过道坐着的一个师傅把午饭全吐在我的随身行李上了。

Brianne: Well thank goodness you’re here safe, at least. Let’s get you home!

Brianne: 啊,不过谢天谢地你平安到达了。咱们回家啦!

/ 核心习语&单词讲解 /

1. a sight for sore eyes 乐于看到的人; 极有吸引力的人

Meaning: someone/something you’re very pleased to see

例句:You’re a sight for sore eyes!


原文: Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! That flight was an ordeal, let me tell you.

2. ordeal /ɔːˈdɪəl/ 磨难、苦难、煎熬

例句:I’m sorry to put you through this ordeal.


原文: Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! That flight was an ordeal, let me tell you.

3. let me tell you 我跟你说


例句:Let me tell you, I was as surprised as you were.

跟你说吧, 我和你一样吃惊。

原文:Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! That flight was an ordeal, let me tell you.

4. if only 多希望, 如果...就好了, 要是...该多好

Meaning: I wish that

1)If only其实是if的加强语气,同时也可以表达说话人的愿望和条件,所以也有“要是…”的意思。

例句1: If only I didn’t have so much homework I could go to the party tonight.


2)If only 也可单纯表达愿望,不表达条件。

例句2:If only I had a girlfriend.


例句3: If only I hadn’t bought that car!


对话中Thomas的意思是,比起真实发生的问题,他更希望旁边坐了个小孩。If only 可以用在句首,也可以当作整句话表示“那倒好了!”

原文:If only! No, I was all the way in the back, over the wing.

5. next to no 差不多没有

Meaning: almost no

例句:When he first started to work, John earned next to nothing.


原文:No view at all, and next to no legroom.

6. legroom/ˈleɡruːm/ (与前排座位之间的)腿部空间

7. deplane /ˌdiːˈpleɪn/ 下飞机

Meaning: get off the plane

例句:Would all passengers please deplane by the rear doors.


原文: The flight was delayed, as you know, but rather than letting us deplane and stretch our legs,

8. stretch our legs 伸伸腿、走走

Meaning: take a walk

stretch /stretʃ/ 伸出;拉伸

例句:It’s a good idea to stretch before you do vigorous exercise.


原文:but rather than letting us deplane and stretch our legs, we had to sit around on the runway until it was our turn to take off.

9. sit around 闲坐,无所事事

Meaning: sit and do nothing

例句:We sat around most of the evening, waiting for Jake and drinking beer.

我们闲坐了大半个晚上, 喝着啤酒等Jake。

原文:…we had to sit around on the runway until it was our turn to take off.

10. runway /ˈrʌnweɪ/ (飞机)跑道

11. take off (飞机)起飞

例句:The plane took off at 8.30 am.


原文:…we had to sit around on the runway until it was our turn to take off.

12. turbulence /ˈtɜːbjələns/ 气流、紊流

例句:We might be experiencing some turbulence on this flight due to an approaching storm.


原文:Once we finally got in the air, it was turbulence the whole flight, and the gentleman in the aisle seat lost his lunch all over my carry-on.

13. lost his lunch 吐

Meaning: vomit, throw up

Lost his lunch从字面上翻译是“丢了他的午餐”,但这个短语与午餐没有关系,意思是“呕吐”

例句: I feel like I was going to lose my lunch from seasickness out on that boat.


原文: and the gentleman in the aisle seat lost his lunch all over my carry-on.

14. carry-on 手提行李

原文:Once we finally got in the air, it was turbulence the whole flight, and the gentleman in the aisle seat lost his lunch all over my carry-on.

/ 核心句式 /

“If only _______, (_______)!”


或者(表示强烈愿望) 要是______该多好啊!

源自: If only (I had been sat next to a baby!)

结构: If only句子, 句子(与虚拟条件句用法一致).

例句1: If only you hadn’t tried to jump down, you wouldn’t have broken your leg!


例句2: If only you were correct!




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