


1. have some hormones

“have some of something”means“be more like typical person who has”。比如,当一个人不敢做某事时,朋友会说:“don’t be so scared, have some courage.”意思是“别这么害怕,做个有勇气的人吧!”

文本的hormones愿意是荷尔蒙的意思,在这个男1的意思是男2应该去去看看女人而不是呆在家里一直替自己感到伤心,所以hormone的意思是sexual urges,整句话的意思就是“去找点乐子吧!(去找女人dating吧!)

2. turn on

turn on通常的意思有开关打开,音量调高的意思。当它放在日常用语中还有某种引起某人兴趣,促使某人对某些特定事物产生获取知识或赞赏的意思。

A:Definition: to move pleasurably. 举例:rock music turns her on(摇滚乐让她嗨起来)

Also:to excite sexually.(刺激荷尔蒙)

B:Definition: to cause to gain knowledge or appreciation of something specified.举例:turned her on to ballet(这件事使她拥有学芭蕾的动力)

C:to cause to undergo an intense often visionary experience by taking a drug


也就是说:某人吸大麻吸嗨了(to cause to get high)

3. what are you up to tonight?

它的意思等同于“what are you doing tonight”(你打算如何度过今晚?)

it’s a casual way saying hello.也就是一种更随意自然的展开话题的表达方法,类似于“what are you doing(你在做什么呢?)”

举例:A: hey, Rob, how are you?

B: hey, good, thank u, you?

A:I am good. What are you up to?

B: oh, I am just making dinner.

它也可以是一种形式来问“are you busy?”

举例:A: Hi Rob, how are you?

B: Hey Jan. Good, thanks, you?

A: I’m good. What are you up to?

B: I’m just leaving for work. I’m sorry I can’t really talk right now.

A: It’s ok. I’ll catch you later. Bye.

有时还可以用这句话来和一个你平时不能天天见到的人来聊天,或者是你很久没有见到的家人或是朋友,当他们问What have you been up to?就是在问从上次见到你到现在你发生了些什么事。

举例:A: Paulo, it’s so good to see you! What have you been up to?

B: Hi Mia! I’m fine, still working a lot. How about you? What have you been up to?

A: Oh, the kids are keeping me busy. Tomas is playing soccer this fall. Roberto got a new job and we moved to Chicago three months ago.

4.l will not take this abuse.

意思是我不会理睬这种羞辱。Take的表达形式多种多样,通常意思有拿起、搭车等等含义,这里的表达是我不会接受这种羞辱。这种表达是一种开玩笑的语调来回答,it means you will not tolerate being treated poorly.

5.have a crush on sb.

Definition:to have a romantic infatuation with someone, especially unbeknownst to that person.



于是have a crush on somebody被字典很好的解释为:A crush is an overwhelming, breath-stealing, usually short lived feeling towards someone else. It is often nonsensical, frequently delicious, a supremely fun, dream laden, hallucinogenic dead end.



“crashing” tends to mean falling asleep, usually in a spontaneous, unplanned way.也就是指通常是以一种无意识随意的方式凑合一晚。

举例: “I was originally going to go home after the party, but by the time we cleaned up it was 3am, so I just crashed on the couch”.(我在派对后本来要回家,但是等我们清理完已经凌晨三点了,所以我就临时在沙发上凑合了一晚)

“Crashing” can also mean showing up somewhere uninvited 出现在了某个未被邀请的地方,比如crashing a party, crashing a wedding

举例:you’re “crashing” by expecting them to host you overnight without explicit permission or advance planning.


issue通常的意思是指一个重要的议题或话题,例如:an economic issue(一个经济问题),它还有意思是两个或多个党派之间的争论,或是发布著作等行为。而在日常用语中,它也可以延伸为烦恼的意思。

举例:do you have any issues?这句话通常用在当碰见别人闷闷不乐时,可以问他,你有什么烦恼吗?

8.stomp on one’s heart

这句短语的意思是让某人心碎。这是一句很有趣的表达,stomp作为动词在牛津里的意思是tread heavily and noisily, typically in order to show anger.里面带有愤怒,用力的意思。简单翻译过来就是用力踩踏某人的心,继而引申为让某人心碎。所以,当被分手时候,大家往往可以用这句短语来表达:he/she stomped on my heart.

9.things change, roll with the punches

这句话的意思类似于中文“世事难料,宾来将挡”。Roll with the punches在词典里的意思为to maneuver one’s body away from a blow so as to lessen the force of the impact,继而延伸为 to adapt to setbacks, difficulties, or adversity so as to better manage or cope with their impact on one’s life.(去适应一些困难来更好地解决这些困难带给生活的影响)


10.bossing around

这句话也十分形象生动,boss原意是老板的意思,bossing around指给某人下命令,让某人做某事,有一种颐指气使的感觉在里头。

曾经在澳洲工作的时候我的朋友经常会和我抱怨“she just like keeping bossing around”. (我们的上司就喜欢不停地指使我们干活)

11.feel the thing

feel原意是感觉、感受的意思,例如“how are you feeling?”(你感觉怎么样?)

feel the thing这句话原文也是出自美剧,女1说,y’know what? I just don’t feel the thing.意思就是,我就是对他们不来电。

Definition:is referring to the emotions, passion, or magic that everyone should feel in a relationship.(指的是一种在一段关系里每个人都应该有的一种热烈的情感)


原意是旋转、控制的意思,其实它还有政治上的扭转、控制之意。当其放在生活用语上,例如短语“put a spin on sth”也有对负面事实加以光彩积极的描述。

例如,美国某州的治安很乱,但是该州警察却对另一个州的警察说,我们的州今年犯罪率下降了,但其实还是改变不了犯罪率第一的事实。这时候就可以用put a spin on sth.

13.the glass is half empty

直译过来是杯子的一半是空的,它的意思其实指的是悲观之人。所以它的另一个反义短语the glass is half-full,意思就是乐观之人。这句话第一次表达来自20世纪初,它被作为一个测试方式来判断一个人是如何看待这个世界的。当它只能看到一个杯子里的百分之五十的水时,那么他被判断是以一种悲观的角度看世界。

举例:女1被公司炒鱿鱼,女2安慰她说:“hey, I know this seems scary now, but I always try to see that the glass is half-full, instead of half empty.’’(我知道这件事现在看起来很可怕,但是我一直都尽量去乐观看待,而不是保持悲观)


blow one’s mind 对某件事感到既惊奇又兴奋,即affect someone very strongly(给某人以一种很大的影响)最好的形容方式是to overwhelm a person with intense excitement, pleasure.

举例:I saw her show in Manchester and it just blew my mind.(我看到她在曼彻斯特的演出了,实在是太令人惊奇了!)

beyond my mind 指我无法理解,超出了我的理解范围


15.there you go

definition:1.this is what you wanted

举例:there you are.-that’ll be 3.8dollers plz.(这是你要的商品,一共是3.8刀谢谢)

2.expressing confirmation, triumph, or resignation(表达一种肯定、赞赏的意思)

举例:there you are! I told you the problem will be solved.(对吧!我告诉过你问题会被解决的)

16.chip in

chip指的是碎片、琐碎之物,chip in的意思则有一起贡献某物或钱财来参与某项活动,有donate、contribute的意思。

举例:we all chipped in.(我们都凑了钱)



1. Behind sb/sth在某人身后,引申为支持某人、某事的意思

2. Be with sb 和某人在一起,也可以引申为支持某人

3. Back sb up 支持某人,这里backup还可以连在一起作名词来使用,意思也是支持、后备军的意思

18.l am hot!

大家是不是脑海中首先想到的是意思是“我好热”,它的确有这个意思,但如果你还是只想着我好热的话,你就out了!l am hot还可以用来表达我身材很好(但没人会这么夸自己吧)的意思,但它在日常口语表达中还有一个很常用的意思是“我好兴奋”。

举例:男1拿到了他想要的球赛门票,他就可以说:“l am so hot!”

19.nice save


Definition:it means that somebody did a good job at saving a situation from getting going bad.

在网球比赛中,对方的一个球即将击打落地时,此时如果你的队友来了一个猛击将球完美救起,你就可以跟她说“nice save!”或者当某人陷入一种尴尬的局面时,你说了一些话缓解了场面的氛围,这时在场就有人可以偷偷跟你说“nice save”。

20.it’s textbook


举例:一个心理学家在帮助一个病人了解他存在什么样的心理问题,这个病人告诉他他的幼年家庭情况然后心理学家从他的描述中给出了一个结论。当病人问道,你是怎么会知道我的问题是这个呢?心理学家就说:“你的故事很典型。”也就是说,他看过许多和你类似的病人,所以很好得知为什么你会有这样的心理问题。他的回答就可以用这句短语it’s textbook




21. You got screwed


这时候你就可以说,You got screwed.

22.catch on

means understand, know sth; get popular.

举例:I should have caught on when she showed face like that.(当我看到她那副嘴脸的时候我就该了解了)

23.steer clear of you

definition: avoind sth/sb that seems unpleasant

举例:they wanted their children to steer clear of the drugs.(他们希望他们的孩子们可以远离毒品)

24.keep fixating on sth.


举例:当某人不断地重复某个话题时让你感到不爽,你就可以说:“Can you stop keep fixating on that topic?”

25.Dear diary moment

Definition: this refers to an extraordinary circumstances.比如说,当某人有幸能够和一个足球队长约会的话,她就会想要把date的经历写进日记本里来作为一种美好的回忆,这种日记通常是一种自己的私密日记。所以在写日记时,她们会称它为dear diary,有种和日记说话的意思,而有些人写着这个日记仿佛就像是写给自己的一位关系亲密的朋友。

26.get it together

Definition: make a decision or take a positive action in your life.(作出一些积极的决定或是在人生选择上有了一个很积极的行动)

举例:Alison has really got it together since I saw her last time, she has started a new job and lost so much weight.(Alison真的做出了一个很大的改变,上次我看到她的时候她已经有了一份新工作并且还减肥了)

27.get ahead of oneself

Definition: act or plan prematurely or overconfidently or to do something to early.(太早做某事,没有经过精心的准备)

举例:That last game suggests that we have been getting ahead of ourselves in praising the team's progress.(上场比赛表明了我们太早称赞这支队伍的胜利了)

28.take credit for

它有两个意思,第一个是allow people to believe that one has done something praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually done it.其中还带有抢军功的意思。

举例:I really cannot take credit for this entire success./Toby took credit for everything which was done by Alex.(托比把埃里克斯做的事都归功于自己啦)


举例:I take credit for him.(我可帮了他大忙呢!)


Definition: full of hope; happiness and good feeling.

有时候不妨替换一下单词positive或是excited 这些已经用腻了的词汇吧!

30.live off sb.

Definition: depend on sb. to live.

举例:You cannot live off your parents for the whole life.(你不能一辈子都依靠你的父母生活)

31.Are you through with sth?

这句话的意思同等于“Have you finished with that?”(你已经结束了吗?)


32.put something in perspective

perspective = the art of drawing solid objects on a flat surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth and position in relation to each other.


于是引申为:To clarify, appraise, or assess the true value, importance, or significance of something.

举例:You don’t think it’s a big deal? ok, let me put the perspective for you…(我现在把它的重要性告诉你)

33.fit into

Definition: be accepted by the people in the group or be a part of a group.(被一个团体或群组的人接纳或是变成这个团体的一员)

举例:Can I fit into this whole thing?(我可以加入这件事吗?)

34.take some of the heat off sb.

Definition: to relieve the stress on sb.(缓解一些某人的压力)

举例:If you could say to her about this whole thing, it will definitely take some off the heat of me.(如果你能告诉她这件事的话,一定会缓解我的一些压力)

35.play very well

基本的意思就是比如你做什么事做的很好,you play it so well.

引申为两个小孩之间相处很好,they are playing quite well,但如果是形容两个成年人之间相处的不好也可以说they are not playing well.这里面就包含有他们处事不够成熟的内涵。

36.be trapped in

Definition: to be in a bad situation from which you cannot escape.


举例:She was trapped in the role of wife and mother.

37.step back

Definition: to temporarily stop being involved in an activity in order to think about it in a new way.


举例:Let’s just step back from the problem and think about what we could do.

38.hold up

Definition: to remain strong or successful(保持强壮或是稳在一个可用的状态)

举例:I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage.

当hold up后面加上somebody时有delay someone的意思(耽误某人)

举例:Sorry to hold you up-my train was late.

39.miss out

Definition: to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something.(错失享乐或获利的机会)

举例:Do not miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.(别错过我们夏季特卖中极好的便宜货)

40.lay the ground work

Definition: to create a foundation(在一件事发生之前做必要的准备)

举例:We are busy laying the ground work for another campaign.

41.what’s messing you up?

means the general same as “what’s the problem”. mess up本身有把事情搞砸的意思。


这两个单词看上去拼写几乎一样,但意思完全不同。loath是形容词,意思是不情愿的,reluctant;而loathe是动词,means to be disgusted with.

举例:He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings.(他很讨厌在寒冷的早上起床)

I loathe you!(我鄙视你!)



第二个:scary,指的是某件事真的让人很害怕,I am so afraid something.

第三个:creepy,更有一种觉得某件事很变态很恶心的感觉。feel disgusting or perverted.

44.What is it about me?

means what quality of mine to cause a person to think of that way.也就是指不理解自己身上什么特质会导致另一个人这么想自己。

举例:B:A is so unbearable

A(to C):What is it about me that would cause B to think that?

(B:A真令人难以忍受 A问C,我有什么特点让他这样想我?)

45.be vague about

等于be not clear about,对某件事模糊、不清楚的意思

举例:I was worried about you were gonna be vague about this.(我还担心你们看不出来呢!)

46.wind up

Definition: end up in a specified state (以一种特定的状态结束)

举例:I hope they will wind up being good friends.(我希望他们最后能够成为朋友)

47.cushions the blow

Definition: to make a bad situation less serious(让某件不愉快的事情或糟糕的情况变得不那么糟糕)

举例:当女1发现原来自己被骗了之后,男1安慰她,这很正常,此时就可以用cushions the blow.

或者还可以说:She had lost her job, but the redundancy money will cushion the blow.(她失去了工作,但是遣散费将会减轻她的压力)

48.中文里常说的因果报应,翻译成英文也是有它的表达方式的,也就是karmic debt.所以当你要说一件事情有因果报应的时候,就可以用这个表达,比如do not do some bad things, otherwise you may get giant karmic debt.

49.have your (fair) share of something

Definition: to have a lot or more than enough of something bad.


举例1:We certainly have our share of problems at the moment.(我们目前绝对有很多的问题)

举例2:She has had her fair share of tragedies in her life.(她的一生中已经有太多悲剧了)

50.take a shot

Definition1:to fire a gun(用枪打) 这是这个短语直译过来的意思,shot就是射击,所以这个短语就有打一枪的意思,例如he took a shot at the deer.

Definition2:to try to hit at(用什么砸某人) 举例:she took a shot at me with a snowball but missed.

Definition3:to make a critical or hurtful remark about someone(后面也加at)

举例:They shot shots at each other throughout the debate.(他们在谈论的时候互相批判对方)

美剧里经常会出现比如当你交了一个新对象,带给朋友看然后会用开玩笑的口吻说,who is gonna take the first shot?(你们谁要先来批判他?)

Definition4:to attempt to do something successfully

举例:They took shots at the math problem.(他们致力于解决这个数学问题)

51.desperately scramble

Definition: scramble means to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you.意思是快速但是很艰难的向某个地方伸展或移动(想象一下,当你伸出手艰难地向某个地方够东西的感觉)

举例:As the burning plain landed, the terrified passengers scrambled for the door.


举例:She desperately scrambled to find some merriment after that.(在那之后她用尽力气去寻找快乐)

52.such a slap in the face

Definition:something someone does that insult or upset you.(某人做的某件事情给你带来的羞辱感觉)

举例:男1男2同时在卖东西,结果经理要求男1去听从男2的指挥,成为他的helper,男1此时觉得很受辱,于是就说:“Its such a slap in my face.”.

53.for your information


还有一个缩写是FYR,for your reference,也是供你参考的意思,但不一定要跟你要做的事情有关。

54.you are on

Definition:used as a way of expressing agreement to something happening.

举例:A:I will give you 50bucks for your bike.

B:You are on!(好啊给我吧!)

有时候这个句子还可以在不同场合下被使用,比如说表演的时候该某人上台了,旁边就有人会提醒她,you are on!

55.back by popular demand

Definition: a request made by a desire shared by many people.(经大众的需求)

举例:Because of popular demand,the restaurant has published a cookbook of favorite recipes.


56.going home with a note


1995年的时候,对学生来说一种严重的惩罚就是going home with a note,因为它特别有效并且会让这个学生心烦意乱很长一段时间,这种惩罚包括许多部分,在学校里觉得很受到羞辱,因为通常老师会对学生一对一留下来并且写一张纸条给你的父母并且向他们解释你不好的表现;回家路上又很担心,因为要给父母这个note;到家后很害怕,比如内心会有种种心理活动like“do I give them the note right away or should I wait until tomorrow?”;然后返校时觉得十分尴尬。因此这就是这个短语的由来。

在美剧里有一次当女生在表演的时候台下一个男孩子在聊天,她就借用了这种classroom的表现法,质问他“Is it something that you would like to share with the entire group?”然后她朋友就在底下偷偷说,“ops!That guy is going home with a note.”


57.blast 除了一阵快速穿过的空气外,其实是个很常用的俚语表达

1.have a blast

Definition: to enjoy doing something very much

举例:We will have a blast tonight at the party!(我们今晚在party上会玩得很嗨的)

偶尔替换一下have fun吧:)

2.(at)full blast

Definition: at maximum speed, volume etc.

3.She is such a blast!

形容人的时候它可以指这个人很有趣很酷,means she is funny and entertaining.

4. blast it !

Definition: an exclamation of annoyance(当你觉得很烦某人或某事的时候,可以说blast it或 blast him!)

58.have to do with something with

Definition: to be about something.(和什么有关)

举例:My question has to do with last week’s assignment.(我的问题和上周的任务有关)

59.l snapped!

这句话是什么意思,经常听到有人在愤怒爆发了之后突然来一句,l snapped!它其实就是一种表达,在人们释放了它们愤怒或爆发的情绪之后说的一句话,意思是I just went mad for a second.但是它有时候还可以意味着突然有了一个情绪上的爆发。(suddenly having a mental breakdown)


第一次看到这个单词的你会不会联想到它或许是指一个小物品的意思或者是对一件物品的亲昵爱称,类似西班牙语里的指小词一样?其实不是的。thingy的意思就是指一个模糊的、暂时想不起名字的一个东西,举个例子:Can you pass me that thingy-you know, that clip thing for holding things together.


61. phone it in

phone in有打电话进来的意思,那么phone it in的意思则大不相同,它的意思是用很低的热情做某事或是对某事毫无热情。To do something with low enthusiasm or effort.这句短语起始于美国20世纪30年代,在戏剧表演者中有一个广泛的笑话流传,在表演中经常有那种很小的角色他们甚至不需要出现在现场表演而是通过电话就可以表演了。于是这个表达就不断流传在90年代几乎人人都在使用,比如说I really do work on being in the moment, and I definitely don’t phone in.(我真的在认真工作,而且我绝对不是在应付它)

62.plunge somebody into

Definition: to push something into something quickly and forcefully.(直译为使某件事快速被推进,引申为使某人或某件事陷入或经历什么)

举例:He plunged the knife into the cake.(切蛋糕的时候用刀慢慢伸进蛋糕里的那个动作)

That guy has the potential to plunge us into a pit of depression.(那个人很可能会使我们伤心欲绝,或者说很可能会把让我们陷入极度悲伤之中)

第二个意思为to start doing something with enthusiasm and energy.(开始积极地做某事)

举例:She plunged into the assignment.(她积极地投入到这个项目中)

63.on the side

Definition: in addition to one’s regular job or as a subsidiary source of income.(做兼职)

举例:He is a lawyer, who teaches sculpting on the side.(他是个律师,同时也是兼职的雕塑家)

另一个含义是指某人除了拥有一段法定关系或伴侣外秘密地有其他的关系。secretly, especially with regard to a relationship in addition to one’s legal or regular partner.

举例:Brian had a mistress on the side.(布莱恩有个情妇)

64.beam with pride

Definition: to smile broadly and radiantly due to pride in something or someone.(因为对某人或某事很自豪所以笑的很开心很爽朗)

举例:She is beaming with pride when her son was awarded his college diploma.


A craving is an intense desire for something really particular.(它指的是对某件特别的事的一种强烈的渴望)

例如可以说Some people have cravings for power or fame.(有的人对权力和声望有着很强烈的欲望)

66.make a move on somebody和make a pass at somebody

make a move on somebody和make a pass at somebody意思相差不大,二者都带有seduce(引诱)的意思。第一个的意思是try to start sexual activity with someone,但是它更偏向于negatively方面的应用,举例:ew!that guy made a move on you?He is like twice your age.(天啊那个对你上下其手的男人几乎都是你年龄的两倍了!);

第二个的意思是try to kiss or touch another person with the intention of starting a sexual relationship with them,但是它不强调negatively方面。

67.kick your butts

Definition: to defeat someone or something decisively.(会把你打得屁滚尿流的意思)

通常可以用在打比赛中,比如:The other team kicked our butts.

第二个意思:to be very effective or successful.通常在这种情况下使用时kick和butts中间不加别的词

eg: This new strategy is really kicking butt!(这个新策略真的很有用)

第三个意思:to be excellent or exceptional.

eg: That movie kicked butt! All movies should be like that!

第四个意思:to motivate one or shock one out of complacency(鼓励或是触动一个自满的人)

eg:The professor’s speech today kind of kicked my butt an made me realize I need to start apply myself.(今天这个教授的演讲让我从自满中跳了出来并且让我意识到我需要努力)

68.swoop in

意思是趁虚而入、突然进入的意思。to move very quickly and easily through the air,especially down from a high position in order to attack.

eg:1.This hero of the sky is always ready to swoop in for the rescue.

2.She just broke up with that guy, it’s time for you to swoop in.


这个词可以做名词也可以作动词使用,作动词使用时指的是If you usher someone somewhere, you show them where they should go, often by going with them.

eg:I ushered him into the office.

作名词使用时,means a person who shows people where to sit, for example at a wedding or at a concert.

eg: He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre.

它还有一个词组叫做usher in,means if one thing ushers in another thing, it indicates that the other thing is about to begin.

eg: a unique opportunity to usher in a new era of stability in Europe.

70.swear off

Definition: to make a decisión to stop doing,using or being involed with someone harmful,such as drugs or alcohol, or something that is not good or helpful.

美剧里女主被一个渣男骗了很伤心于是她跟朋友说再也不想接近男人,朋友安慰道:I don’t think swearing off guys altogether is not the answer.(我不认为远离所有的男人是个好主意)


举个最简单的例子,我们通常看到check out就会想到退房,但是这只是check out最基本的表达方式。它还有各种各样的不同表达,比如我们在机场餐厅会看到check your coat的海关检查标示,会不会有人纠结,怎么这么严格连外套都要专门检查。其实check在这里是寄放的意思。比如:you may check your coat at the door(请将外套寄放在门口的衣帽间)。那么coat check自然就是衣帽间的意思。

同时check在机场还经常被听到,例如它还有托运的意思。举例:I got my boarding pass and checked my suitcase.(我拿到了登机牌而且托运了行李),还有You can check your luggage right through to its final destination.(你可以直接把行李托运到终点)。所以如果你在机场check-in时,如果有人问你do you have anything to check?你如果此时开箱给他检查,就会闹笑话了。

接着在看一些check 的进阶用法:

1. 查字典不等于check dictionary。中文说的查字典并不是真的检查字典,而是在字典里找字的意思,查可以用consult,he often consults a dictionary when he reads the book.

2. The accouts check. check原意为检查,这里应当延伸为每一项都检查过了并且核对无误,所以这个句子的意思就是账目核对无误。同时大家都熟悉的check out,它除了退房的意思,还有合格、通过考试的意思。

72.set somebody up

1.To deceive someone so that they do or fall victim to something.(欺骗、陷害某人使他们沦为受害者)

举例:There have been reports recently of scam artists trying to set costumers up so that they divulge their bank account details over the phone.(最近有报道说一些诈骗犯扮成艺术家试图去欺骗消费者并且通过手机套出他们的银行账户信息)

还有大家是否记得老友记里一直和钱德勒纠缠不清的一任女友Janice,情人节那天joy帮小钱钱安排一场相亲不料对象又是Janice,小钱钱马上崩溃的和joy呐喊,You set me up with the woman I’ve dumped twice in the last five months!(里面是指责joy又害他跟这个女人在一起了)

2.to make it look like someone is guilty of some crime or wrongdoing.

eg:Those drugs aren’t mine!Someone is setting me up.(这毒品不是我的,有人陷害我)

3. to give someone the financial capital needed to start or maintain a business.

eg: If my dad hadn’t set me up,I never would have been able to own my own store.

4. to build or assemble something.

eg:I bought everything for the doghouse,I just need to find the time to set it up.

5. to provide someone with adequate nourishement.

eg:The B&B provides a generous breakfast that will set you up for the rest of the day.

6. to make something ready to use.

eg:I bought a new TV, John is just setting it up now.

7. to create,estabilish,or found something.

eg:Can you believe he set the charity up when he was just 15?



1. to reach a decision or arrangement about something, or to end a disagreement.

eg: They haven’t yet settled when the wedding is going to be.(他们还没决定什么时候举办婚礼)

2. to relax into a comfortable position.

eg:The dentist told him to settle back in the chair.

3. to go and live somewhere, especially permanently.

eg:After they got married, they settled in Brooklyn.

4. to arrive, especially from another country, in a new place and start to live there and use the land.

eg:America was first settled by people who came across from Asia over 25000 years ago.

5. to move to a lower level and stay there;to drop

eg:The house had been empty for years,and dust had settled on all the surfaces.(这个房子已经空了许多年了,所有东西都覆满了尘埃)

6. to pay, especially money that you owe

我记得美剧里有个情节是朋友们围成一桌打牌,然后结束之后有个朋友要走,其他人就说,wohoo.你还没给钱呢!(打牌赌输的钱)所以翻译多来就是,we gonna settle!(我们要来算钱啦!或者你要来给我们付钱啦!)

7. to become quiet and calm,or to make something or someone do this.

eg:The weather is expected to settle towards the end of the week.

8. to reach and remain at a certain level or in a certain state.

eg: A peaceful expression settled on her face.

74.hold me over


(A small snack you eat when you hungry but don’t want to ruin your dinner, just something to hold you over until your next main meal.)

也可以直接作为一个名词使用,举例:oh man i am hungry but dont want to ruin my dinner, i need a hold me over!


pop通常作名词时可以指pop music(流行音乐),作动词时还可以指爆米花、气球等产生的爆破声。pop可以和in,out,round介词连用,都可以指去某个地方,强调时间短。但具体的含义有所不同。

pop out指出去一下,英国人通常用这个词组来表达出去买点东西、吃饭或者办点事,这些事情大多耗时较短。举例:I am popping out for a cup of coffee;

pop in or pop into指表达去某个具体的地方,比如说,去邮局寄信。又比如,参加朋友的聚会,只是去打了个招呼没有呆多久就走了。

在口语中,也有去某人家里短暂地拜访、做客的意思。举例:Pop in sometime if you are ever around;

pop around指去一趟,强调从一个地方到另一个地方的过程,比如:I am quite pressed for time this afternoon, but i will pop round to your office some time later.



1. get stood up 被某人放鸽子了

举例:I can not believe I got stood up by her.

2. no-show 比如某个人去相亲blind-date,结果那个人还没出现,这时候就可以说,that person was a no-show.

3. bail on somebody

这就是放鸽子最基本的表达,可以说he or she bailed on me at that day.

77.Be that as it may

Definition: mean that you accept that a piece of information is true but it does not change your opinion of the subject you are discussing.(指的是承认前面说的那些话是对的但是它不能改变即将要讨论或是我们正在讨论的一些观点)

举例:Building a new children’s home will cost a lot of money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent need for the facility.


经常我们在美剧里会听到You got me! OR I got you!等等类似的表达。它们乍一听起来十分相像,但是意思却大不相同。

1. you get me/ I get you=你懂我的意思/我了解

you get me means you understand what I am saying.eg: I need to have a rest right now.此时我朋友就可以说:I get you

2. you got me/I got you=被你发现了/我发现了

eg:A: Did you just tell a lie?

B:You got me.

3. You got me there!=我不知道、你考倒我了

我不知道除了可以用I don’t know,还可以用这个句子来表达。

举例:Why our boss called you?-You got me there.


4. get his/hers=他/她应有的报应

举例:That theif stole all the things from that poor guy, he will get his just before long.

5. You got it

电影《谍影重重4》开头就有个对话,女:Can you tell Mr.Hillcott I am here? 男:You got it !


此时如果用l got it,基本含义上没什么差别,但是重点在于自己。比如:A: Get me out there! B:I got it!

同时you got it还有表达“你正确”或是“我赞同”的意思,举例:-Honey, our car was broken, how to get there?

-I got it. We can ask someone to help…

79.throw caution to the wind

Definition: to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results.

举例:I threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive one.



原句是:I think when someone steals your credit card, they’ve kind of already thrown caution to the wind.


这个词作名词和动词意思不同,作名词时它的意思为驼峰,比如说你要说一个人驼背也可以说somebody has a hump;而作为动词时它的意思有使隆起,还有与某人性交的意思(美国俚语);而俚语中还有另外两种表达,第一个是使自己苦干的意思,还有一个就是快速地移动。

81.be intimidated by

Definition: frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation.

举例:Older people can feel very intimidated by computers.

经常也可以说,某人对另一个人很不自信很紧张很害羞,比如网上就有很多人会问这种问题:Why my BF intimidates me?

82.something rings a bell with somebody


83.all over again

再来一遍的意思,但是要注意的是这个词组放在褒义贬义里有不同的感觉,比如I wish I could do this all over again.(我希望我可以从头再来一遍);另一个句子crap! It’s gym class all over again.(联系上下文,如果要以消极态度来用这个短语,这句话就变成了,天哪!体育课的噩梦又再次重演了。)

84.beats me

Definition: used to say that you do not know something, or cannot understand or explain it.

举例:-What is he saying ?-Beats me (他说了啥?-你可问倒我了)

85.pipe dream

Definition: an idea or plan that is impossible or very unlikely to happen.

举例:Her plans are not realistic- they will never be more than a pipe dream.


86. vigilante justice

指的是非执法人员私自执法,someone who takes the law into his/her own hands by trying and/or punishing another person without any legal authorities.


87. You got a blank slate.


88.make-up days for something

工作中当有人面试时经常会问到的make-up days for holiday,这个意思指的就是调休,所以当你遇到有人告诉你关于make-up days的时候,他的意思就是我可以有多少调休的假期呢?

89.feel inadequate

Definition: lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose. This essentially means to be not enough, to be insufficient. This happens when people realize that they are not educated enough, not able enough or simply ill-equipped to handle the situation.

其实生活中大家经常会有这样的感觉,认为自己能力还不够足,有些力不从心,总是还没有达到自己想要的标准。这时就可以用这个短语来表达自己的感觉。同时网上也可以搜到很多about to deal with this kind of feeling的solution.

90.know your way around something

Definition: to be familiar with a place or organization and able to act effectively within it.(在行、熟悉的意思)

举例:She knows her way around a wine list.(她对酒单非常的熟悉)

I don’t know my way around the city yet.(我对这座城市的路完全不了解)

91.pass for

Definition: to be accepted or regarded as something.

举例:电视里女主和小鲜肉约会隐瞒年纪,朋友调侃她,女主这时候就说:Am I not pass for 22?(我看起来不像22岁吗?)其实就是,我不能被接受或是被认为是22岁吗?

92.it pays to do something


举例:It pays to be the winner.

93.shink shinky

这个词出现在老友记里,大家还记得第一季菲比教过一个让所有人都讨厌的心理医生男朋友吗?他全身上下都带着心理医生的特质,比如他刚见到她的朋友们就开始剖析他们的一切。而一开始菲比介绍他时是这样形容的,He is a shrink, but not too shrinky.shrink的意思就是心理医生,而shrinky在这里是什么意思呢?

它其实可以翻译成两种意思,一种就是the caracteristic of a shrink(具备心理医生的特质),但是根据剧情推进很明显不是这样,因为他完全具备了心理医生的特质;而它的另一种意思就是shrink winky,意思为A penis that has shriveled up so much from being cold that it retreats inside the body, taking the balls with it.(有点污但是十足的形象)



这个单词在英国和北美表达时有不同的含义,在英国指的是在性方面有暗示性,并且以一种幽默又轻松的方式表达,比如说saucy postcards,这是一种和英国的公共节日相似的一种特定传统,这种明信片通常是围绕性或是身体的作用来展现一种古怪的幽默;而在北美指的是拥有或是表达一种很狂放、生动或带有情绪化的行为,通常作为slang的一种表达。

95.preppy animal


96.draw somebody out

Definition: to help somebody to express their thoughts more easily.




举例:She is such a turkey, she usually ruins everything.(她真是个没用的人,总是把一切事情都搞砸)

还有一个短语叫做cold turkey,俚语中的“冷火鸡”指的是“突然戒瘾”。

另一个短语叫做talk turkey,指的是中文中打开天窗说亮话。

98.slumber party


99.impending doom

Definition: feel as if extremely bad is gonna happen like your world is coming to an end.(指的是仿佛最差的事情即将发生就好像你的世界末日快到了)

美剧中大家一起去看一个戏剧表演,其中要看到一个很差的剧时,其中就有人讽刺道:no fear, no sense of impending doom!(无所畏惧,死到临头也不自觉!)

100. Who left me to rot in the nuthouse.



