In children over 10 percent of fractures involve injury to the growth plate (or physis). Because the physis is a relatively weak part of the bone, joint strains that might cause ligament injuries in adults are liable to result in separation of the physis in children. The fracture usually runs transversely through the hypertrophic or the calcified layer of the growth plate, often veering off into the metaphysis at one of the edges to include a triangular lip of bone. This has little effect on longitudinal growth, which takes place in the germinal and proliferating layers of the physis. However, if the fracture traverses the cellular ‘reproductive’ layers of the physis, it may result in premature ossification of the injured part and serious disturbances of bone growth.
The most widely used classification of physeal injuries is that of Salter and Harris (Salter and Harris, 1963), which distinguishes five basic types of injury:
· Type 1 – A transverse fracture through the hypertrophic or calcified zone of the plate. Even if the fracture is quite alarmingly displaced, the growing zone of the physis is usually not injured and growth disturbance is uncommon.
· Type 2 – This is essentially similar to type 1, but towards the edge the fracture deviates away from the physis and splits off a triangular metaphyseal fragment of bone (sometimes referred to as the Thurston– Holland fragment).
· Type 3 – A fracture that splits the epiphysis and then veers off transversely to one or the other side, through the hypertrophic layer of the physis. Inevitably it damages the ‘reproductive’ layers of the physis (as these layers are closer to the epiphysis than the metaphysis) and may result in growth disturbance.
· Type 4 – As with type 3, the fracture splits the epiphysis, but it extends into the metaphysis. These fractures are liable to displacement and a consequent misfit between the separated parts of the physis, resulting in asymmetrical growth.
· Type 5 – A longitudinal compression injury of the physis. There is no visible fracture but the growth plate is crushed and this may result in growth arrest.
Rang (Rang, 1969) has added a Type 6, an injury to the perichondrial ring (the peripheral zone of Ranvier), which carries a significant risk of growth disturbance. The diagnosis is made usually in retrospect after development of deformity.
Mechanism of injury
Physeal fractures usually result from falls or traction injuries. They occur mostly in road accidents and during sporting activities or playground tumbles.
Clinical features
These fractures are more common in boys than in girls and are usually seen either in infancy or between the ages of 10 and 12. Deformity is usually minimal, but any injury in a child followed by pain and tenderness near the joint should arouse suspicion, and x-ray examination is essential.
---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》PP729-730
PHYSIS/'faisis/n. 自然界生长原则;后缀生长;骨骺
growth plate生长板
hypertrophic or the calcified layer肥厚或钙化层/,haipə'trɔfik/adj. 肥厚的;过度膨胀的
metaphysis 干骺端;干骨后端
longitudinal /ˌlɑːndʒəˈtuːdnl/adj. 长度的,纵向的;经线的
germinal/'dʒɝmənl/adj. 胚种的;幼芽的;原始的
germinal and proliferating layers 生发和增殖层
premature ossification过早骨化
/ˌpriːməˈtʃʊr,ˌpriːməˈtʊr/n. 早产儿;过早发生的事物adj. 早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的
/ˌɑːsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/n. 骨化;成骨;(思想的)僵化
veer /vɪr/n. 转向;方向的转变
Inevitably /ɪnˈevɪtəbli/adv. 不可避免地;必然地
misfit /ˈmɪsfɪt/n. 不适合;不适应环境的人vt. 对…不适合
asymmetrical growth.不对称增长。
crushed 压碎的,捣碎的v. 压碎(crush的过去分词)
perichondrial ring 软骨环
tumble /ˈtʌmbl/vi. 摔倒;倒塌;滚动
arouse suspicion引起怀疑 /səˈspɪʃn/n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿vt. 怀疑
骨骺损伤最广泛的分类是Salter和Harris(Salter and Harris,1963)的分类,它区分了五种基本的损伤类型: