
醛酮和胺在过量的甲酸作为还原剂的条件下进行还原胺化的反应被称为Leuckart–Wallach反应。在反应中甲酸作为氢源还原亚胺。此反应操作简便,体系通常非常干净,但也有很多缺点:需要在较高温度下进行;会生成N-甲酰基化副产物;利用氨(甲酸铵)进行还原胺化时,经典的还原胺化条件很难控制在生成伯胺一步,而利用过渡金属有机催化剂(如 [RhCp*Cl2]2 )催化的Leuckart–Wallach反应可以很好的解决这一问题。
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1950, 72, 3073-3075】
J. Org. Chem., 1968, 33, 1647-1649】
Heterocycles,1994, 37, 1033-1039】
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry1999, 10, 1499-1505】
1-Phenylethylamine (2). To a Schlenk vessel containing [RhCp*Cl2]2 (257 mg, 416 mmol) and HCOONH4 (26.2 g, 416 mmol) was added 9.71 mL (83.2 mmol) of acetophenone 1. The brown mixture was frozen, evacuated and stirred for 7 h at 70 ℃. To the green solution at r.t. was added 160 mL of 1M aq HCl. The mixture was washed twice with DCM (20 mL) and 15 mL of cold 12M NaOH was added. The aq layer was extracted with 6 x 50 mL of DCM, dried and evaporated in vacuo to give crude 2 (9.3 g, 92%) which was distilled at 83 ℃/44 mm to afford 2 (8.6 g, 85%).
J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 8685-8687】
Carl L. R. A. Leuckart (1854-1889)生于德国吉森, 后来师从于 Bunsen, Kolbe, 和von Baeyer,称为哥根廷大学副教授,可惜在35岁意外死亡,对于化学界是巨大的损失。
Otto Wallach (1847-1931)生于普鲁士的哥尼斯堡,师从于Wöhler 和 Hofmann。在1889年到1915年出任哥根廷大学化学研究所大学主任。他所著的《萜烯和樟脑》为后来萜烯化学奠定了基础。Wallach由于在脂环化合物方面的研究获得了1910年的诺贝尔化学奖。
1. Leuckart, R. Ber. 1885, 18, 2341-2344.
2. Wallach, O. Ann. 1892, 272, 99.
3. Moore, M. L. Org. React. 1949, 5, 301-330. (Review).
4. DeBenneville, P. L.; Macartney, J. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1950, 72, 3073-3075.
5. Lukasiewicz, A. Tetrahedron 1963, 19, 1789-1799. (Mechanism).
6. Bach, R. D. J. Org. Chem. 1968, 33, 1647-1649.
7. Musumarra, G.; Sergi, C. Heterocycles 1994, 37, 1033-1039.
8. Martínez, A. G.; Vilar, E. T.; Fraile, A. G.; Ruiz, P. M.; San Antonio, R. M.; Alcazar, M. P. M. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 1999, 10, 1499-1505.
9. Kitamura, M.; Lee, D.; Hayashi, S.; Tanaka, S.; Yoshimura, M. J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 8685-8687.
10. Brewer, A. R. E. Leuckart–Wallach reaction. In Name Reactions for Functional Group Transformations; Li, J. J., Ed.; Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, 2007, pp 451-455. (Review).
11. Muzalevskiy, V. M.; Nenajdenko, V. G.; Shastin, A. V.; Balenkova, E. S.; Haufe, G. J. Fluorine Chem. 2008, 129, 1052-1055.
12. Kunalan V.; Anal Chem., 2009, 81, 7342.
11 Saba S.; Tet Lett., 2011, 52, 129.
编译自Name Reactions (A Collection of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms), Jie Jack Li,  Leuckart–Wallach reaction,page 362-363.
还原胺化 | 如何选择?
