雅思口语part 2:法律类话题该如何描述?


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3分钟学雅思· 第6季 ·第39期


今天,就让我们结合这道最新的雅思口语话题 “Describe some advice you received on choosing your major or work.”来一些学习如何描述吧!

《3分钟学雅思》第六季 第39期 点击观看

Describe some advice you received on choosing your major or work.

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

Who you received it from

And how you felt about it.


I would like to describe some advice I got from my best friend who is very concerned with the latest news. Just a couple of days ago, when we dined out, I asked him whether to choose law or education as my university major. He advised me to fulfill my dream to be a lawyer, although it takes a lot of effort. He showed me an example, which was a piece of news. A man by the name of Jin Zhehong, who has successfully received nearly 4.7 million yuan in compensation for being wrongly detained for almost 23 years in prison. He was sentenced to reprieved death because he was suspected of murdering a woman. What stunned me was that there was no convincing evidence but his own confession in court.

I felt that it was so unfair to him. Although he was compensated recently, his life has been ruined because of the wrongful conviction. What’s more serious is that he has carried a stigma for such a long time.


1. compensation n. 赔偿金

2. reprieved death 死缓

3. convincing adj. 有说服力的

4. confession n. 供词,供状

5. carry a stigma 背着骂名


