
你知道遵守规则的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。 遵守规矩 遵守规则的英文单词释义: walk the chalks 网络walk the chalks;fllw the rules;bey the rules;fllw rules 遵守规则的英文单词例句: 如果你加入俱乐部,你就要遵守规则。 If yu jin the club, yu shuld abide by the rules. 这个工人因为严格遵守规则而受到了表扬。 The wrker was praised fr his bservance f the rules. 1. We must bserve the decencies.我们一定要遵守规矩. 2. Glria : I dn't bey rules. I make them.我不遵守规矩,我制定它们. 3. A cmput

