意大利画家安尼巴尔·卡拉奇Annibale Carracci (1560-1609年)

意大利画家安尼巴尔·卡拉奇Annibale Carracci (1560-1609年)意大利画家安尼巴尔·卡拉奇Annibale Carracci (1560-1609年)图片来源于:互联网

Landscapec. 1590

The Holy Women at Christ's Sepulchrelate 1590s

Saint Anthony

The Stoning of St. Stephen

The Holy Family Rests on the Flight into Egyptc. 1600

Lamentation of Christ

Self Portrait1590s

The Stoning of St. Stephenc. 1603-04

Fishingc. 1585

Huntingc. 1585

Virgin of the Cherriesc. 1593

The Apparition of the Virgin to SS. Luke and Catherine1592

The Crucifixionc. 1587-88

The Dead Christ Mourned (The Three Maries)c. 1604

