#护理SCI文献解读# 青少年Tourette综合症患者社会适应量表的编制及信效度检验


Purpose The aim of this study developed the psychometric properties of the social adjustment scale for adolescents with Tourette syndrome (SASATS).
Design and methods A cross-sectional study design was conducted. 346 adolescents with Tourette syndrome (TS) were purposively sampled from pediatric outpatient departments at two hospitals in Taiwan. The scale was developed through a phenomenological study of adolescents with TS and by reviewing the literature. The reliability analysis of the SASATS was performed using the corrected item-total correlations coeffificients, Cronbach alpha coeffificients, and test-retest correlations. An exploratory factor analysis and confifirmatory factor analysis were used to examine the construct validity.
研究方法:采用横断面研究设计。本研究以台湾两所医院的儿科门诊为对象,以346名患有Tourette综合症的青少年为样本。通过对青少年Tourette综合症患者的质性研究和文献回顾而编制的。采用校正后的项目总相关系数、Cronbach alpha系数和重测相关系数对SASATS进行信度分析。本研究采用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析来检验建构效度。
Results The content validity index of 0.89 was obtained, and acceptable model fifit was achieved according to the explanatory factor analysis and confifirmatory factor analysis. The fifinal scale had 17- items and four factors: relationship between self and TS, academic performance, family relationship, and peer interaction. Acceptable values of 0.81 and 0.87 were obtained for the test-retest and internal consistency reliabilities, respectively.
研究结果: 内容效度指数为0.89。量表包括4个维度和17个条目,其中维度分为:自我与Tourette综合症的关系、学业成绩、家庭关系和同伴互动。重测信度和内部一致性信度分别得到0.81和0.87。
Conclusions The SASATS is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating social adjustment status in TS adolescents.
研究结论: SASATS是一种可靠有效的评估青少年社会适应状况的工具。
Practice implications The SASATS is easy to use and offers an effective scale for nurses and healthcare providers in clinical and academic settings. It can quickly measure and detect the psychological functioning of the social adjustment of adolescents with TS during interpersonal interactions. Moreover, interventions can be provided to improve adolescents' social adjustment and promote their mental health.