
2021年3月15日,欧洲临床营养与代谢协会(European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, ESPEN)在其官方杂志Clinical Nutrition上在线发布了最新版的肿瘤患者营养治疗实践指南(ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in cancer)。该指南从临床实用性出发,对2017年ESPEN肿瘤患者营养治疗指南进行缩减,从肿瘤患者营养治疗的总体原则到特殊类型肿瘤患者的个体化营养治疗,总计给出43条推荐(内容没有变化),并添加了流程图,更加便于临床医师、营养师及护士等在临床实践中使用。

图1. ESPEN肿瘤患者营养治疗实践指南概要
1.1 筛查与评估
To detect nutritional disturbances at an early stage, we recommend to regularly evaluate nutritional intake, weight change, and body mass index (BMI), beginning with cancer diagnosis and repeated depending on the stability of the clinical situation. (Recommendation B1-1; strength of recommendation strong – level of evidence very low – strong consensus)
为早期发现营养失衡,推荐从肿瘤确诊开始就常规评估患者的营养摄入量、体重变化与身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI),并依据病情反复评估。(推荐B1-1;推荐强度强-证据水平极低-强烈同意)
In patients with abnormal screening, we recommend objective and quantitative assessment of nutritional intake, nutrition impact symptoms, muscle mass, physical performance and the degree of systemic inflammation. (Recommendation B1-2; strength of recommendation strong – level of evidence very low – consensus)
1.2 能量与底物需求
We recommend that the total energy expenditure (TEE) of cancer patients, if not measured individually, be assumed to be similar to healthy subjects and generally ranging between 25 and 30kcal/kg/day. (Recommendation B2-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)
肿瘤患者的总能量消耗(total energy expenditure,TEE)若无法个体化测量,推荐其与健康人相似,一般为25-30kcal/kg。(推荐B2-1;推荐强度强-证据水平低-同意)
We recommend that protein intake should be above 1g/kg/day and, if possible up to 1.5g/kg/day. (Recommendation B2-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence moderate – strong consensus)
推荐每日蛋白质摄入量应大于1g/kg ,有条件者增加至1.5g/kg以上。(推荐B2-2;推荐强度强-证据水平中等-强烈同意)
We recommend that vitamins and minerals be supplied in amounts approximately equal to the recommended daily allowance and discourage the use of high-dose micronutrients in the absence of specific deficiencies. (Recommendation B2-4; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
In weight-losing cancer patients with insulin resistance, we recommend to increase the ratio of energy from fat to energy from carbohydrates. This is intended to increase the energy density of the diet and to reduce the glycemic load. (Recommendation B2-3; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)

1.3 营养治疗
We recommend nutritional intervention to increase oral intake in cancer patients who are able to eat but are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. This includes dietary advice, the treatment of symptoms and derangements impairing food intake (nutrition impact symptoms), and offering oral nutritional supplements (ONS). (Recommendation B3-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence moderate – consensus)
对能经口进食的营养不良或存在营养不良风险的肿瘤患者,推荐进行营养治疗来增加经口饮食,包括给予膳食建议、治疗影响进食的相关症状以及提供口服营养补充(oral nutritional supplements ,ONS)。(推荐B3-1;推荐强度强-证据水平中等-同意)
We recommend not to use dietary provisions that restrict energy intake in patients with or at risk of malnutrition. (Recommendation B3-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
If a decision has been made to feed a patient, we recommend EN if oral nutrition emains inadequate despite nutritional interventions (counseling, ONS), and PN if EN is not sufficient or feasible. (Recommendation B3-3; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence moderate – strong consensus)
营养治疗推荐首选营养咨询和口服营养补充,若营养咨询和口服营养补充无法满足营养需求,使用肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN),若EN无法实施或仍不能满足营养需求,则使用肠外营养(parenteral nutrition,PN)。(推荐B3-3;推荐强度强-证据水平中等-强烈同意)
If oral food intake has been decreased severely for a prolonged period, we recommend to increase (oral, enteral or parenteral) nutrition only slowly over several days and to take additional precautions to prevent a refeeding syndrome. (Recommendation B3-4; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)
In patients with chronic insufficient dietary intake and/or uncontrollable malabsorption, we recommend home EN or PN in suitable patients. (Recommendation B3-5; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
1.4 运动
We recommend maintenance or an increased level of physical activity in cancer patients to support muscle mass, physical function, and metabolic pattern. (Recommendation B4-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence high – consensus)
We suggest individualized resistance exercise in addition to aerobic exercise to maintain muscle strength and muscle mass. (Recommendation B4-2; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)

1.5 药物治疗
We suggest considering corticosteroids to increase the appetite of anorectic cancer patients with advanced disease for a restricted period (1-3 weeks) but to be aware of side effects (e.g. muscle wasting, insulin resistance, infections). (Recommendation B5-1; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence high – consensus)
We suggest considering progestins to increase the appetite of anorectic cancer patients with advanced disease but to be aware of potentially serious side effects (e.g. thromboembolism). (Recommendation B5-2; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence high – consensus)
In patients with advanced cancer undergoing chemotherapy and at risk of weight loss or malnourished, we suggest using supplementation with long-chain N-3 fatty acids or fish oil to stabilize or improve appetite, food intake, lean body mass, and body weight. (Recommendation B5-7; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
In patients complaining about early satiety, after diagnosing and treating constipation, we suggest to consider prokinetic agents, but to be aware of potential adverse effects of metoclopramide on the central nervous system and domperidone on cardiac rhythm. (Recommendation B5-8; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence moderate – consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend the supplementation with branched-chain or other amino acids or metabolites to improve fat-free mass. (Recommendation B5-5; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to improve body weight in weight-losing cancer patients. (Recommendation B5-6; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend cannabinoids to improve taste disorders or anorexia in cancer patients. (Recommendation B5-3; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend currently approved androgenic steroids to increase muscle mass. (Recommendation B5-4; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – consensus)

图4. 肿瘤患者营养治疗总体原则:药物治疗
2.1 手术治疗
For all cancer patients undergoing either curative or palliative surgery, we recommend management within an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program; within this program, every patient should be screened for malnutrition and if deemed at risk, given additional nutritional support. (Recommendation C1-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence high – consensus)
无论是根治性手术还是姑息性手术的患者,均推荐按照加速术后康复(enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS) 原则进行围手术期管理。ERAS实施过程中,应对每位患者进行营养不良筛查,若存在营养不良风险,则给予相应的营养治疗。(推荐C1-1;推荐强度强-证据水平高-同意)
For a patient undergoing repeated surgery as part of a multimodal oncological pathway, we recommend the management of each surgical episode within an ERAS program. (Recommendation C1-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)
In surgical cancer patients at risk of malnutrition or who are already malnourished, we recommend appropriate nutritional support both during hospital care and following discharge from the hospital. (recommendation C1-3; strength of recommendation strong Level of evidence moderate – consensus)
In upper GI cancer patients undergoing surgical resection in the context of traditional perioperative care, we recommend oral/enteral immunonutrition (arginine, n-3 fatty acids, nucleotides). (Recommendation C1-4; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence high – strong consensus)

2.2 放疗
We recommend that during radiotherapy – with special attention to radiotherapy of the head and neck, thorax and GI tract - an adequate nutritional intake should be ensured primarily by individualized nutritional counseling and/or with use of ONS, in order to avoid nutritional deterioration, maintain intake and avoid radiotherapy interruptions. (Recommendation C2-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence moderate – strong consensus)
We recommend to screen for and manage dysphagia and to encourage and educate patients on how to maintain their swallowing function during EN. (Recommendation C2-3; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
We recommend enteral feeding using nasogastric or percutaneous tubes (e.g. percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomies (PEG)) in radiation-induced severe mucositis or obstructive tumors of the head-neck or thorax. (Recommendation C2-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
We do not recommend PN as a general treatment in radiotherapy but only if adequate oral/enteral nutrition is not possible, e.g. in severe radiation enteritis or severe malabsorption. (Recommendation C2-6; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence moderate – consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend glutamine to prevent radiation-induced enteritis/diarrhea, stomatitis, esophagitis or skin toxicity. (Recommendation C2-4; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend probiotics to reduce radiation-induced diarrhea. (Recommendation C2-5; strength of recommendation none– Level of evidence low – strong consensus)

2.3 肿瘤内科:根治或姑息性抗肿瘤药物治疗
During anticancer drug treatment, we recommend to ensure an adequate nutritional intake and to maintain physical activity. (Recommendation C3-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence very low – strong consensus)
In a patient undergoing curative anticancer drug treatment, if oral food intake is inadequate despite counseling and ONS, we recommend supplemental EN or, if this is not sufficient or possible, PN. (Recommendation C3-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence very low – consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend glutamine supplementation during conventional cytotoxic or targeted therapy. (Recommendation C3-3; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
2.4 肿瘤内科:大剂量化疗与造血干细胞移植
During intensive chemotherapy and after stem cell transplantation we recommend maintaining physical activity and to ensure an adequate nutritional intake. This may require EN and/or PN. (Recommendation C4-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence very low – strong consensus)
If oral nutrition is inadequate we suggest preferring EN to PN, unless there is severe mucositis, intractable vomiting, ileus, severe malabsorption, protracted diarrhea or symptomatic GI graft versus host disease. (Recommendation C4-2; strength of recommendation weak – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend a low bacterial diet for patients more than 30 days after allogeneic transplantation. (Recommendation C4-3; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
There are insufficient consistent clinical data to recommend glutamine to improve clinical outcome in patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and HSCT. (Recommendation C4-4; strength of recommendation none – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
对大剂量化疗和造血干细胞移植(Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation,HSCT)患者,目前尚缺乏足够的临床数据支持推荐使用谷氨酸来改善临床结局。(推荐C4-4;推荐强度无-证据水平低-强烈同意)

2.5 肿瘤幸存者
We recommend that cancer survivors engage in regular physical activity.(Recommendtion C5-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low-consensus)
In cancer survivors, we recommend maintaining a healthy weight (BMI 18.5-25 kg/m2) and to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes being physically active and a diet based on vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and low in saturated fat, red meat, and alcohol. (Recommendation C5-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
建议肿瘤幸存者体重维持在健康水平(BMI 18.5-25 kg/m2),并养成健康的生活习惯,包括参与身体锻炼,日常饮食包含蔬菜、水果、全谷类食物,并减少饱和脂肪酸、红肉和酒精的摄入。(推荐C5-2;推荐强度强-证据水平低-强烈同意)
2.6 行姑息治疗的进展期肿瘤患者
We recommend to routinely screen all patients with advanced cancer for inadequate nutritional intake, weight loss, and low BMI, and if found at risk, to assess these patients further for both treatable nutrition impact symptoms and metabolic derangements. (Recommendation C6-1; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)
We recommend offering and implementing nutritional interventions in patients with advanced cancer only after considering together with the patient the prognosis of the malignant disease and both the expected benefit on quality of life and potentially survival as well as the burden associated with nutritional care. (Recommendation C6-2; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – consensus)
In dying patients, we recommend that treatment be based on comfort. Parenteral hydration and nutrition are unlikely to provide any benefit for most patients. However, in acute confusional states, we suggest using a short and limited hydration to rule out dehydration as precipitating cause. (Recommendation C6-3; strength of recommendation strong – Level of evidence low – strong consensus)
