[第4次听写] 太空旅客(四) 摆脱字幕看电影

我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长, 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈. 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久, 你来吗? 把你听到的文本粘贴到评论中, 哪怕只能听懂一句话也是进步~

A round-trip ticket?
That’s right.
I was gonna fly to Homestead 2, live for a year,and then ride back to Earth(and then right back to Earth).
I don’t get it. I left Earth for a new life, but you end up back where you started?
I end up in the future.
250 years in the future on Earth, which is still the center of civilization, like it or not.
And I’ll be the only writer to ever travel to a colony world and come back.
I’ll have a story no one else can tell.
What story?
The humanity 's(Humanity’s) flight to the stars.
The greatest migration in human history.
It’s the biggest story there is.
But you wouldn’t know any other people who were reading it.(But you won’t know any of the people who are reading it)
But they’d be reading it.
They would have been.(Or they would have been)
I’ll never write it now.
I don’t know if I’ll ever write again.
Jim, I can’t think of anything else to try to save us.
And I don’t even want to think about it anymore.
What is there to do around here?

1 right vs ride, 犹豫了一下, 感觉语法上这里需要一个动词, 看来不需要
2 Humanity vs the Humanity, 感觉前边好像有一个词所以写了the, 但其实humanity前边一般不加the, 语法功底
3 won’t know, who are reading it, 对于这句的时态不太明白.



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