
'一 正则表达式



'二 使用方法


   '点击VBE编辑器菜单:工具 - 引用,选取: Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5,引用后在程序开始进行如下声明
     'Dim regex As New RegExp
     Sub t1()
       Dim reg As New RegExp
     End Sub


'     Dim regex As Object
'     Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") '创建正则对象

     Sub t2()
       Dim reg As Object
       Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
     End Sub

三 常用属性

'1 Global属性:

       '1 例:
       Sub t3()
             Dim reg As New RegExp
             Dim sr
             sr = "ABCEA"
             With reg
               .Global = True
               .Pattern = "A"
               Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
             End With
       End Sub

'2 IgnoreCase 属性

'3 Pattern 属性
’ 一个字符串,用来定义正则表达式。缺省值为空文本。
'4 Multiline 属性,字符串是不是使用了多行,如果是多行,$适用于每一行的最后一个

       Sub t4()
         Dim reg As New RegExp
         Dim sr
         sr = "AEA" & Chr(10) & "ABCA"
         With reg
           .Global = True
           .MultiLine = True
           '.Pattern = "A$"
           .Pattern = "^A"
           Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
         End With
       End Sub

'5 Execute 方法

         '返回一个 MatchCollection 对象,该对象包含每个成功匹配的 Match 对象,
           'Length; 长度
       Sub t5()
             Dim reg As New RegExp
             Dim sr, matc
             sr = "A454BCEA5"

             With reg
               .Global = True
               .Pattern = "A\d+"
               Set matc = .Execute(sr)
             End With

       End Sub

       Function ns(rg)
             Dim reg As New RegExp
             Dim sr, ma, s, m, x

             With reg
               .Global = True
               .Pattern = "\d*\.?\d*"
               Set ma = .Execute(rg)

               For Each m In ma
                  s = s + Val(m)
               Next m

             End With

            ns = s
           ' Stop
       End Function


        Sub t7()
             Dim reg As New RegExp
             Dim sr
             sr = "BCR6EA"

             With reg
               .Global = True
               .Pattern = "\d+"
               If .test(sr) Then MsgBox "字符串中含有数字"
             End With

        End Sub

Function 提取中文(rg As String, k As Integer)

      Dim regx As New RegExp
      With regx
       .Global = True
       If k = 1 Then
       .Pattern = "\D"
       ElseIf k = 2 Then
       .Pattern = "\w"
       End If

       提取中文 = .Replace(rg, "")
      End With

End Function







       '\d 0~9的数字
       '\w 任意一个字母或数字或下划线,也就是 A~Z,a~z,0~9,_ 中任意一个
       '\s 包括空格、制表符、换页符等空白字符的其中任意一个

       '以上改为大写时,为相反的意思,如\D 表示非数字类型

        Sub t1()
           Dim regx As New RegExp
           Dim sr
           sr = "AE45B646C"

           With regx
             .Global = True
             .Pattern = "\d" '排除非数字
             Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
           End With

        End Sub




   Sub t11()
     Dim regx As New RegExp
     Dim sr
     sr = "A234CA7A"
     With regx
      .Global = True
      .Pattern = "A\d+"
      Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
     End With

   End Sub


    '1 {n} 重复n次
        Sub t16()
           Dim regx As New RegExp
           Dim sr
           sr = "A234CA7A67"

           With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "\d{5}" '连续两个数字
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
           End With

         End Sub
   '2  {m,n}最小重复m次,最多重复n次

        Sub t22()
           Dim regx As New RegExp
           Dim sr
           sr = "A234CA7A6789"
           With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "\d{4,5}" '连续两个数字或连续三个数字
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
           End With
         End Sub
    '3 {m,} 最少重复m次,相当于+
         Sub t23()
           Dim regx As New RegExp
           Dim sr
           sr = "A2348t6CA7A67"

           With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "\d{2,}" '连续两个数字或连续三个数字
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
           End With

         End Sub

'* 可以出现0等任意次 相当于 {0,},比如:"^*b"可以匹配 “b”,"^^^b"…

’ ?
'1 匹配表达式0次或者1次,相当于 {0,1},比如:"a[cd]?"可以匹配 “a”,“ac”,“ad”

        Sub t24()
           Dim regx As New RegExp
           Dim sr
           sr = "A23.48CA7A6..7"
           With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "\d+\.?\d+" '最多连续1个
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
           End With
         End Sub

'2 利用+?的格式可以分段匹配

      Sub t87()
        Dim regex As New RegExp
        Dim sr, mat, m
        sr = "<td><p>aa</p></td> <td><p>bb</p></td>"

        With regex
          .Global = True
          .Pattern = "<td>.*?</td>"
          Set mat = .Execute(sr)

          For Each m In mat
            Debug.Print m
          Next m

        End With

      End Sub
     Sub t88()

        Dim regex As New RegExp
        Dim sr, mat, m
        sr = " aba  aca  ada "
        With regex

          .Global = True
          .Pattern = "\s.+?\s"
          Set mat = .Execute(sr)

          For Each m In mat
            Debug.Print m
          Next m

        End With

     End Sub


Sub T34()
    Dim regex As New RegExp
    Dim sr, mat, m
    sr = "d234我345d43"
    With regex
      .Global = True
      .Pattern = "^\d*"
       Set mat = .Execute(sr)

        For Each m In mat
          Debug.Print m
        Next m

    End With
  End Sub

'$符号:限制的字符在最后面,如 A$表示最后一个字符是A

Sub T3433()
    Dim regex As New RegExp
    Dim sr, mat, m
    sr = "R243r"

    With regex
       .Global = True
       .Pattern = "^\D.*\D$"
        Set mat = .Execute(sr)

        For Each m In mat
          Debug.Print m
        Next m

    End With

  End Sub


    Sub t26()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A12dA56 A4"

       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "\bA\d+"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub
Sub T272()
    Dim regex As New RegExp
    Dim sr, mat, m
    sr = "ad bf cr de ee"
    With regex
      .Global = True
       .Pattern = ".+?\b"
        Set mat = .Execute(sr)
        For Each m In mat
          If m <> " " Then Debug.Print m
        Next m
    End With
  End Sub


  Sub t27()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A12DA56 A4B34D"

       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "A\d+|B\d+"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub

'\un 匹配 n,其中 n 是以四位十六进制数表示的 Unicode 字符。

 Sub t2722()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A12d我A爱56你 A4"

       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub


    Sub t29()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A3A3QA3A37BDFE87A8"
       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "((A3){2})" '相当于A3A3
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub

'取匹配结果的时候,括号中的表达式可以用 \数字引用

    Sub t30()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A3A3QA3A37BDFE87A8"
       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "((A3){2})Q\1"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub
    Sub t31()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "A3A3B4B4QB4B47BDFE87A8"

       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "((A3){2})((B4){2})Q\4"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub

'用(?=字符)可以先进行预测查找,到一个匹配项后,将在匹配文本之前开始搜索下一个匹配项。 不会保存匹配项以备将来之用。

      Sub t343()
        Dim regex As New RegExp
        Dim sr, mat, m
        sr = "100元8000元57元"

        With regex
           .Global = True
           .Pattern = "\d+(?=元)" '查找任意多数字后的元,查找到后从元以前开始查找(因为元前的数字已被使用,
                                  '所以只能从元开始查找)匹配 ()后面的,因为后面没有设置,所以只显示前面的数字,元不再显示
            Set mat = .Execute(sr)

            For Each m In mat
              Debug.Print m
            Next m

        End With
      End Sub
      Sub t355()
        Dim regex As New RegExp
        Dim sr, mat, m
        sr = "A8ayaa"
        With regex
          .Global = True
           .Pattern = "^(?=.*\d).{4,8}$"
            Set mat = .Execute(sr)
            For Each m In mat
              Debug.Print m
            Next m
        End With
      End Sub

'用(?!字符)可以先进行负预测查找,到一个匹配项后,将在匹配文本之前开始搜索下一个匹配项。 不会保存匹配项以备将来之用。

Sub t356()
    Dim regex As New RegExp
    Dim sr, mat, m
    sr = "中国建筑集团公司"

    With regex
      .Global = True
       .Pattern = "^(?!中国).*"
        Set mat = .Execute(sr)

        For Each m In mat
          Debug.Print m
        Next m

    End With
End Sub


  Sub t344()
    Dim regex As New RegExp
    Dim sr, mat, m
    sr = "100元800块7元"
    With regex
      .Global = True
       .Pattern = "\d+(元|块)"
       '.Pattern = "\d+(?=元|块)"
        Set mat = .Execute(sr)
        For Each m In mat
          Debug.Print m
        Next m
    End With
  End Sub

'使用方括号 [ ] 包含一系列字符,能够匹配其中任意一个字符。用 [^ ] 不包含一系列字符,

'1 和括号内的其中一个匹配

 Sub t29()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "ABDC"

       With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "[BC]"
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

End Sub

'2 非括号内的字符

    Sub T35()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "ABCDBDC"

       With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "[^BC]"
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

    End Sub

'3 在一个区间

Sub t38()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "ABCDGWDFUFE"
       With regx
        .Global = True
        .Pattern = "[a-h]"
        Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

End Sub
 Sub t40()
       Dim regx As New RegExp
       Dim sr
       sr = "124325436789"

       With regx
            .Global = True
            .Pattern = "[1-47-9]"
            Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")
       End With

End Sub
