一张神似薛宝钗的脸,是她留给人们的第一印象,虽然说是个十足的00后女孩,却长了一张古韵十足的脸庞。再加上汉服华章,不说惊鸿一瞥,不说似曾相识,只叹红楼一梦。In addition to the hanfu huazhang, do not say Jing hong glance, do not say deja vu, only sigh a dream of the red mansion.
趣多多不禁感叹,无论外貌、气质,都活像是曹雪芹笔下的人物:“唇不点而红,眉不画而翠,脸若银盆,眼如水杏。”'Lips do not point but red, eyebrows do not paint but green, face like silver basin, eyes like apricot.'
再仔细读读吴承恩对女儿国国王的描写,惊觉这00后的女子,真真对应了这神来之笔: “说什么昭君美貌,果然是赛过西施。宫妆巧样非凡类,诚然王母降瑶池。”'It is said that Zhaojun is beautiful, but indeed it is better than the beauty of the goddess. Palace makeup Qiao extraordinary kind, it is true that the Queen Mother dropped Yao Chi.'
当面对为什么选择汉服时,晨晨说到,与其说是我选择汉服,不如说是汉服选择了我,本身喜欢戏曲的人很难不被汉服吸引,因为都是传统文化,都是蕴含着我们国家古典韵味的东西。或许,正如《春秋左传正义》中说: “中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有服章之美,谓之华。”'China has great etiquette, so it is called summer; The beauty of the service chapter is called Chinese.'作为中国人,要拾起的不止是千百年的文化传统,更是要重建我们的文化自信心,我们本就更应以汉服文化为骄傲,穿着汉服,走向世界。最后,趣多多在这里放一个汉服片段,有兴趣的小伙伴可以看看哦!那么下面就来学习一下今天的小知识吧!
Four famous books
《西游记》baiPilgrimage to the West
《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《红楼梦du》A Dream in Red Mansions
《水浒传zhi》 Heroes of the Marshes
Works based on the Four famous books appear constantly on television.由四大名著改编的电视作品经常被搬上荧屏。
Chinese hanfu
The traditional Korean dress is deeply influenced by the Chinese Hanfu of the Ming Dynasty.韩国的传统服饰受到明朝的汉服影响很深。
Han clothing
Han clothing is made of Chinese silk.汉服是丝绸做的。好啦,今天的分享到这里就结束了。欢迎大家评论区留言,明天见~