泡沫是由特制的合成浓缩液态发泡剂的水溶液经不同的方法形成气泡的凝聚 体. 泡沫的特性有:Foam is an aggregate of air bubbles formed by various methods from aqueous solutions of specially formulated concentrated liquid foaming agents. Some of the properties of foam are:在大多数液体中不溶解, 重量轻. 故能漂浮在易燃或可燃液体上面.It is insoluble in most liquids and light in weight. Being light it floats on top of all flammable or combustible liquids.在燃烧液体的表面构成一层毯状阻隔, 因此可以灭火.It forms a blanket covering the surface of the burning liquid and hence extinguishes the fire.在可能积聚燃油或货油的机器场所和泵舱内可配备高倍膨胀固定泡沫系统. 低倍膨胀固定泡沫系统用于在载运易燃液体货物的船舶上灭火, 如甲板溢油, 货舱因碰撞或爆炸破裂而引起的火灾A fixed high expansion foam system may be fitted in machinery spaces and cargo pump room where accumulation of oil fuel and cargo oil could occur. A fixed low expansion system is to be used for fighting fires on the decks of ships carrying liquid cargoes of a flammable nature, such as may be caused by deck spillage or in cargo tanks which have been ruptured by collision or explosion. 油轮甲板泡沫系统Deck Foam Systems For Tankers
油轮规定须装备能将泡沫输送到整个货物甲板及甲板开裂的货油舱内的甲板 泡沫系统.该系统以每平方米甲板的额定量提供灭火泡沫但不少于每分钟 1250 升.对油轮,应备有充足的泡沫浓缩液确保至少能产生 20 分钟的灭火泡 沫,对于未装设惰性气体装置的船舶能产生 30 分钟的灭火泡沫. 对化学品船而 言,应足于产生 30 分钟的灭火泡沫.It is a requirement that oil tankers are provided with a deck foam system capable of delivering foam to the entire cargo tanks deck and into any cargo tank the deck of which has been ruptured. The foam is to be applied at a specified rate per square meter of deck but at not less than 1250 litres per minute. On oil tankers there is to be sufficient foam concentrate to ensure at least twenty minutes of foam generation, and should there still be any vessels without an inert gas system then thirty minutes foam generation is required. On Chemical tankers there is to be sufficient foam for thirty minutes.

泡沫浓缩液储存在罐内, 通常利用泡沫泵和文氏比例混合装置将泡沫输送到系统中去. 水被泵入比例混合器, 容器内产生文丘里气阻,文氏效应引起压力下降从而将合适比例的泡沫浓缩液引入系统内进行复合. 水和泡沫浓缩液的混 合液称为泡沫溶液. 空气在喷射装置或歧管处或喷嘴 与泡沫溶液混合形成泡沫.The foam concentrate is contained within a tank and usually introduced into the system by means of a foam pump and venturi proportioner. Water is pumped through the proportioner which containers a venturi restriction. The pressure drop caused by the venturi draws the correct amount of foam compound into the system. The water and foam compound is termed the foam solution. At the discharge monitor or branchpipe or nozzles air is entrained to expand the solution into foam.

系统的分隔设计将泡沫浓缩液和连接到每一台喷射装置的水管分开,然后在每 一台喷射装置的比例混合器汇合.An alternative arrangement is to provide separate foam concentrate and water lines to each monitor together with a proportioner at each monitor.

在船尾楼前端或面向货舱甲板的生活区的左右两边必须配备泡沫喷射装置和 泡沫皮龙接头. 其余的货舱甲板配备的泡沫喷射装置一般位于船中线上.带有 艏/艉装卸货装置的船舶在这些区域应配备合适的泡沫保护装置. 每具泡沫喷 射装置须配备一个隔离/控制阀, 在每具泡沫喷射装置近前方的泡沫总管上应 装备阀门隔离总管上受损部位. 泡沫炮一般用手柄或齿状手轮人工操作, 但也 可用电气或液压进行遥控操作. 泡沫的排出率可达每分钟 12,000 升,膨胀率不 大于 12.1. 系统包括手提泡沫枪, 泡沫皮龙和泡沫给水栓. 上述的数量和位置 应满足可用两根手提泡沫枪将泡沫直接输往货舱甲板的任何部位; 但不少于 4 个手提泡沫枪和泡沫皮龙.
There are to be foam monitors and foam hose connections both port and starboard at the forward end of the poop or accommodation spaces facing the cargo tanks decks. The rest of the cargo tank deck is normally provided with monitors situated along the centerline. Vessels with stern and bow loading / discharge arrangements are to have suitable foam protection in those areas. Each monitor will be provided with an isolating / control valve and in the foam main line immediately forward of each monitor there will be a valve to isolate damaged sections of the main. Foam monitors are normally manually operated by lever or geared hand wheel, but may beremotely controlled either electrically or hydraulically. The discharge rate may be up to 12,000 litres per minute and the expansion ratio not more than 12.1. The system will include hand held foam applicators and hoses and foam hydrants. The number and position of these must allow for at least two applicators to direct foam at any part of the cargo tank deck area; but there must not be less than four applicators and hoses.小于 4000 总吨的船舶可装备仅使用泡沫枪的泡沫系统.Vessels of less than 4000 tonnes may be provided with a foam system that uses applicators only.系统使用的泡沫必须对所载运的货物有效.The type of foam used in the system must be effective for the type of cargo carried.为满足消防船的要求, 须配备大至 30,000 升/分钟的大型泡沫喷射装置. 有时 该泡沫喷射装置装在伸缩套管桅杆上便于消防船能将泡沫喷射装置升至比其 大型的遇难船的甲板面以上, 扩大泡沫喷射装置的使用范围.Larger monitors of up to 30,000 litres per minute are available to meet the requirements of Fire Fighter vessels. Sometimes these are arranged on telescopic masts so as to enable Fire Fighter vessels to raise their monitors above the deck level of a larger casualty vessel and to extend the range of the monitors.横风会显著影响泡沫喷射装置的效率. 试验表明在 30 节的横风下, 泡沫喷射 装置的有效作用距离仅为静风条件下的三分之一. 另有试验表明在 10 节的横 风下, 泡沫喷射装置的有效作用距离会显著降低.Cross winds significantly affect the effective range of a foam monitor. Some tests indicate that in a crosswind of 30 knots the effective range of a deck monitor was reduced to a third of that achieved in still conditions. Other tests show that cross winds of only 10 knots greatly affect the throw of a monitor.
High Expansion Foam Systems For Machinery Spaces机器场所配备的高膨胀固定泡沫系统的膨胀率可达 1000:1. 机器处所所要求 的固定式高倍泡沫灭火系统应能通过固定喷射口迅速喷出泡沫,其数量足以 每分钟向被保护处所中的最大者至少注入 1m 深的泡沫。储备发泡液应足够 产生 5 倍于被保护的最大处所的容积的泡沫。Fixed high expansion foam systems for machinery spaces may have an expansion ration of up to 1000:1. The foam is to be delivered through fixed ducting and outlets at a rate of at least one meter depth per minute and the quantity of foam concentrate required must be sufficient to produce a volume equal to at least five times the volume of the largest space to be protected.高膨胀固定泡沫系统应装在受保护空间的外部. 泡沫浓缩液与水在感应器中 混合再由风扇通过管道输送到受保护区域.The high expansion foam generators are installed outside of the protected space. The foam concentrate is mixed with water by means of inductors and driven by a fan through trunking to the protected space.高膨胀泡沫需花很久的一段时间清理, 因而会使船舶在较长的一段时期失去 动力.High expansion foam takes a long time to clear and thus could immobilize a vessel for an extended period.感应/ 比例混合系统 -对最大的单一保护区域而言 , 要求的速率为 5 分钟 150MM. 但要求携带足够的泡沫混合物覆盖所有的保护区域, 而覆盖所有的 保护区域要求的速率为 10 分钟 150MM.Induction / Proportioner Systems – the application rate to the largest single protected area is, 150mm in five minutes. But there must be sufficient foam compound carried to cover all protected areas and the application rate to cover all protected areas is 150mm in ten minutes.预混系统-在该系统中水/泡沫溶液储存在同一储存柜内, 当一高压气体将之加 压后, 形成泡沫输送到保护区域.Pre-mix systems – in these systems water / foam solution is contained within a tank which, when pressurized by a gas, is distributed to be protected areas.初始的泡沫充装液 (泡沫水溶液) 需要配备的数量仅须满足覆盖最大的保护区 域要求的速率为 5 分钟 150MM. 但船舶必须配备足够的泡沫混合物来覆盖所 有的保护区域至 150MM 厚度. 泡沫溶液储存柜的尺寸必须满足能够保护最大 的单一区域, 或满足能够保护所有区域的要求, 两者取其大者. 必须配备足够 的备用气瓶以使第二具泡沫充装液 (用于所有空间)能在 5 分钟内起效. 再次 充装系统应通过一永久性装置在不超过 15 分钟内完成.The initial foam charge (water / foam solution) need only be sufficient to cover the largest protected area to a depth of 150mm in five minutes. But there must be sufficient foam compound on board to cover all remaining areas to a depth of 150mm. The size of the foam solution storage tank must be that required for the protection of the largest single area or that required for the protection of all remaining areas, whichever is larger. There are to be sufficient spare gas cylinders so that the second charge (for all remaining areas) may be effected in five minutes. Recharging the system must be through permanent fittings and not take more than fifteen minutes.在此插入本船所有的固定泡沫灭火系统的示意图. 在图中或单独显著列出所 有的控制位置和每一位置的操作规程.Enter here the schematic drawings of all fixed foam extinguishing systems. Within the drawings, or separately, clearly identify the location of all control positions and the operating instructions applicable to each position.来源:王老轨