My Natasha: A Love Epic
Natasha,“could it be that we will be like this forever?”
Pang Tiande, “don’t you think it’s most romantic of romance?”
Natasha,“I miss you and dream about you every day.”
Pang Tiande, “My dove, my everlasting rainbow, I love you.”
Natasha,“My air, my majestic mountain, I live for you.”

My Natasha was a huge hit screened simultaneously in four TV stations of Anhui, Shangdong, Jinagxi and Henan during the New Year’s Day of 2012. Adapted from a true story, the love epic portrays a fifty-year transnational love between two excellent warriors against fascism. One is a Chinese named Pang Tiande; the other is Natasha from the former Soviet Union.
The two patriotic heroes share common faith and enterprise. History has witnessed their burning love stemming from ideal and going beyond life stands the test of war, nationality, politics as well as time.The final scene that they find each other and tie the wedding knot in twilight years moves the audience to tears again and again. Its superiority to other soap operas is presented in the following three aspects.
Above all, well-rounded characters and vivid depict of humanity.

Pang Tiande
Smart and brave, Pang Tiand, acted by Zhu Yawen, is replete with charm and responsibility. With the passage of wartime, the ordinary soldier soon becomes an outstanding anti-fascist warrior. After the foundation of New China, he works as a technician and then turns himself into a successful businessman with the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy. All his life, he isloved by two women---one is outgoing Natasha from SU, and the other a virtuous Japanese girl called Jizi.

According to the story, Japanese Kwangtung Army encircles and suppresses Chinese Northeast United Force in 1941. After a narrow escape, Pang and his three comrades crosses the border not without the consent of superiors and establishes contact with SU Red Army. Yet never have they expected young and beautiful Natasha, appointed as their military instructor, would turn beast intraining, which in turn breeds their antagonistic feelings.
However, Natasha carefully attends to injured Pang and painstakingly pulls him back regardless of her own safety when he attempts to cross the border and revenge for his dead comrades. Tough yet gentle, Natasha is bold to love and hate. Her striking character starts to take initial shape. Common missions link the two charactersof different life traces together.

Ji zi
Jizi is also seemingly destined to connect with Pang and his family. Her nationality and job---nurse in a Japanese filed hospital located in China, never tampersher cognitive toward justice. She stands with her father and they both disapprove of war. When Pang is arrested as a suspect member of the Communist Party, Jizi meets him for the first time. From then on, thousands of links bind them together.
She takes good care of him and risks her life to send letters for him. Throughout the plot, Jizi saves Pang and his father successively and issaved by Pang. Her devotion to Pang’s household chores wins the favor of Pang’s father. Loving Pang so deeply, she would rather wait him for a lifetime than leave or give up. Therefore, she refuses decisively to date with those people Pang introduces to her. Love is a siren song. Though Pang’s familial feelings toward her never change, she barely regrets.
ZhuYawen once said, “This soldier differs from other similar roles I’ve played, since he is not confined to a particular period, but spans from wartime to peace, from youth to twilight. Maturity comes naturally as he ages and weathers.” Yet the theme of love never disappears whatever stage they are in. Pang’s undivided love toward Natasha is fervent yet rational. Loyal to his oathof allegiance, he abides by his promise to Natasha for a lifetime. On one rough occasion, separated in either side of Suifen River, a boundary river between China and SU, they gaze at each other and communicate by the movement of flags.It is the flag language that Natasha has taught Pang before. Love, like a bowl of hot soup in that age short of substance and full of hardships, warms their hearts. What’s more, Pang also has his country and its people at heart. That is why he stops his steps when he can easily cross the boundary river. He wouldn’t betray his motherland.
Moreover,various contradictions ingeniously woven into the fates of main characters
Its plot, barely predictable, keeps the audience in suspense all the way to the end.The lives of our adventurous hero and heroine unfold from rough wartime to theu ps and downs in business world. Separation and reunion are kept repeating infive decades. It is the faith of love that maintains their affection over theyears.
During the course of military training, Natasha and Pang cultivate firm battlefield-friendship gradually. The seed of love begins to strike root intheir heart. When German fascist invades SU in June, 1941, Natasha and Pang aredispatched to Haidong, Pang’s hometown in order to contact with the underground Party of SU there. They pretend to be a couple for the convenience of the grandcause. Pang’s father is excited to meet his son after so many years, but the foreign 'daughter-in-law’ is totally out of his expectation.
According to thespecial mission, Natasha also has to disguise herself as analcoholic. What’s worse, Natasha’s foreign etiquette and eating habits are also unacceptable to him, whose disapproval becomes the first obstacle of their love.

Pang Tiande
Newly founded China, being in good terms with SU, is provided with great manpower, material and financial resources. As one of the assisted experts, Natasha is dispatched to China. She then reunites with Pang, a technical staff in Haidong Locamotive Manufactory after a long separation. However, Pang’s request for marryingNatasha is rejected by the vice manager of his organization. As Pang has the chance to make a speech on behalf of model workers, he takes out the flag of Northeast United Force, adding details of his previous experiences with his comrades and Natasha. The leaders are moved to consent to their marriage. Yet when they decide happily to apply for a marriage license, the breakup of two countries withdraws Natasha and all experts from SU from China. Politics also comes in the way during their hot pursuit of love.
Furthermore,the thoughtful disposal of details adding a sense of tactile appeal
The love in My Natasha not only transcends half a century but also involves complex tangles among people from multiple countries, namely, China, SU and Japan. The TV series is shot Yanbian, Zhangshi developing zoon, Dandong, Dalian, Russia, to achieve best images and scenes.The acting in Pang’s family makes up a vital percentage. To achieve magnificent aesthetic visual effects, the crew builds a well-designed grand estate with luxurious ceiling lamps, European stylistic sofas and other indoor decorationsas Pang’s house in a spacious workshop. It shows the markers’ efforts for perfection.
The application of proper props also heightens the atmosphere in place. The flag,used to communicate by Pang and Natasha, is impressive in particular. When SURed Army dispatches Pang to the battlefield against German fascism, they gaze at each other as the military vehicle is moving. Care and concern are welled up within their eyes. At that moment, Pang uses soundless yet grave flag language to convey his feelings toward Natasha, “I love you.” Natasha is moved. So is the audience at the subtitle. Ordinary flags are employed as an extraordinary prop in the series. The audience cannot help admiring the skill of the screenwriter, who explores the form of romance to the fullest. Separated by Suifen River, they also use flag language to share their thoughts and feelings.

Natasha,“could it be that we will be like this forever?”
PangTiande, “don’t you think it’s most romantic of romance?”
Natasha,“I miss you and dream about you every day.”
PangTiande, “My dove, my everlasting rainbow, I love you.”
Natasha,“My air, my majestic mountain, I live for you.”
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