Astronomy Picture of the Day——木星附近的卫星们

Moons Near Jupiter
Image Credit & Copyright: Betul Turksoy
Explanation: On May 20, a nearly Full Moonand Jupiter shared this telephoto field of view. Captured when a passing cloudbank dimmed the moonlight, the single exposure reveals the familiar face of ourfair planet's own large natural satellite, along with bright Jupiter (lowerright) and some of its Galilean moons. Lined up left to right the tiny pinpricksof light near Jupiter are Ganymede, Europa, [Jupiter] and Callisto. (That's notjust dust on your screen ...) Closer and brighter, our own natural satelliteappears to loom large. But Ganymede, and Callisto are physically larger thanEarth's Moon, while water world Europa is only slightly smaller. In fact, ofthe Solar System's six largest planetary satellites, Saturn's moon Titan ismissing from the scene and a fourth Galilean moon, Io, is hidden by our rulinggas giant.
Astronomy Picture of the Day——“天涯海角”