Utah Concealed Carry (CCW): Gun Laws, Application,...

Utah is a shall-issue state for concealed carry permits, done at the level of the Department of Public Safety.

Make sure that you understand all the gun laws of the state, and you must meet all the CCW permit requirements before application.

In Utah, you can use the CCW permit to purchase a firearm since the state does not issue purchase permits.

Utah also offers provisional permits to those who are yet to come of age but want to conceal carry in the state.

Utah Gun Laws.

Utah issues a concealed firearm permit for conceal carry in the state.

Application for the permit is open to both residents and non-residents of the state.

However, non-residents must first submit a license to carry from their original state before proceeding with the application.

For Utah CCW permit, you must be at least twenty-one years old. The age for provisional permits is eighteen years old.

Utah CCW Permit Reciprocity

Utah will accept a CCW permit from every state, as long as the permit holder meets the age requirement.

Other things you should know about CCW reciprocity in Utah include the following:

  • States that Utah will accept their CCW permit: You can conceal carry in Utah with permits or licenses issued by other states, only if you meet the age requirement provided by Utah, which is twenty-one.
  • States that will honor a CCW permit issued by Utah: If you have a concealed firearm permit issued by Utah, you can possess firearms in these states. There are five of them.
  • States that have restricted reciprocity with Utah: These states will only accept a residents-only CCW permit from Utah. You cannot conceal carry with a non-resident permit in the state. There are seventeen of them in the state.
  • States that have a permitless carry policy: You can conceal carry in these states with or without a concealed carry permit from another state. However, these states have gun laws that guide permitless carry, and you must meet the requirements to do so. There are fourteen of them in the USA.

You should be aware of gun laws and concealed carry policies in any state you want to conceal carry.

Never assume that the gun law from your state of residence is the same as any other state, regardless of reciprocity or not.

This will help keep you out of trouble with the police.

Location Restrictions In Utah

You cannot conceal carry in every area of the state, regardless of if you have a concealed firearm permit or you possess your gun by virtue of a permit that the state honors.

The only exceptions to this law are peace officers and law enforcement officers.

Now, if you are lucky enough, some of these places will have posts restricting the possession of firearms on their premises.

But to be on the safer side of the law, you must know the areas you can conceal carry in Utah and areas restricted by gun laws of the state.

Places Where You Can Conceal Carry In Utah

  • You cannot conceal carry in a prison or detention facility in the state.
  • You cannot conceal carry in a courthouse or during court proceedings in the state.
  • You cannot conceal carry in any area that is secured by law enforcement officers in the state.
  • You are not allowed to conceal carry in any building used for the operations of law enforcement agencies.
  • You cannot conceal carry in mental institutions, hospitals, or any healthcare center.
  • You cannot conceal carry within the premises of churches, mosques, synagogues, or any other place of worship.
  • You cannot conceal carry in safety areas of an airport.
  • You cannot conceal carry in private properties and buildings that have signage prohibiting the possession of firearms on their premises.
  • You cannot conceal carry in any part of Utah as long as you are under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance.
  • You cannot conceal carry in any place where federal laws restrict the possession of firearms.

Places Where You Can Conceal Carry In Utah

Due to some misconceptions or comparison with gun laws in other states, there are some assumptions that you cannot carry in particular locations.

However, Utah gun laws do not restrict conceal carry or the possession of firearms in these places or circumstances.

  • Bars and Restaurants: You can conceal carry in restaurants that sell alcohol. As long as you are not under the influence of alcohol, or the place does not have a post restricting the possession of firearms in their premises.
  • Private cars: You can conceal carry in your vehicle as long as you have your Utah CCW permit with you.
  • Roadside areas: You can conceal carry in roadside areas and recreational locations in the state.
  • State/national forests and parks: You can conceal carry in state and national parks and forests, as well as in wildlife management areas.
  • Public schools: You can conceal carry in a public school in Utah only if you are with your CCW permit.

Conceal Carry For Law Enforcement Officers In Utah

Conceal carry is compulsory for law enforcement officers in the USA, as long as they meet the standards provided by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act in the state.

Law enforcement officers can conceal carry without a location restriction or other hindrances provided by state or local laws in any jurisdiction of America.

The act covers both active and retired officers.

In Utah, the department of public safety is in charge of the LEOSA, and it conducts the qualification for retired officers to conceal carry via the Highway Patrol Team in the state.

The retired officers will provide a proof of retirement and their badge from the agency that they retired from.

The proof has to indicate if the officer retired from service in ethical standing or not.

The qualification takes place annually, usually in the spring season, and only officers of the law that meet up with these standards are allowed to conceal carry according to LEOSA in Utah.

Buying and Selling Of Firearms In Utah.

Another essential part of Utah law is the buying and selling of firearms.

This also includes the transportation, transfer, possession, and all other things you need to know about gun laws in the state.

Purchase Permits And Firearm Registration In The State.

You do not require a purchase permit before buying firearms in Utah. Also, there are no gun registrations of a list of approved firearms in the state.

Criminal Record Background Check In Utah

If you are buying your firearm from a private dealer, you may not have to complete a background check.

However, with a federally licensed dealer, you must complete a background check before buying a gun in the state.

If you have a Utah concealed firearm permit, you will not have to undergo a background check before buying a firearm in the state.

Make sure that you do not lose your receipt, in case you have to tender as proof that you own the gun.

There are municipality laws adopted by some counties in the state. For example, Salt Lake County requires that private dealers complete a background check before selling a firearm in the state.

Waiting Period For Completing A Firearm Purchase In Utah

There is no required waiting period to complete the sales of firearms in Utah.

As soon as the background check comes out clean, you can buy the firearm immediately.

Age Requirement For The Possession Of Firearm In Utah

To possess or transport a firearm in Utah, you must be at least eighteen years old.

Note that this is different from the age requirement for CCW permit application in the state.

Possession Of Firearms On Private Properties

You can possess a firearm in your home of residence, a personal property, or any building that you lease or rent, without a Utah CCW permit.

Castle Doctrine Policy In Utah

Utah adopts castle doctrine law in the law.

The laws state that a person that uses deadly force as a means of self-defense in the state will be justified in a civil or criminal case hearing, as acting in fear of imminent death or severe bodily harm, as long as it is against an intruder or someone who commits a felony on his/her property.

Places, where castle doctrine law applies in the states, are homes of residence, real estate, or personal properties, any other place that a person possesses legal right to be at any time.

As long as the law is justifiable, the person will have immunity against civil liability in Utah.

Furthermore, castle doctrine law does not apply outside the places mentioned above, hence you have a duty to retreat an attack away from these places.

Also, you must not be the invoker of an attack.

Utah CCW Permit Requirements

You must meet all Utah concealed carry firearm permit requirements if you want to apply for the CCW permit.

Failure to do so means rejection of your CCW permit application.

The requirements include the following:

  • You must be at least twenty-one years old to apply for the concealed carry permit, or eighteen years old for a provisional license.
  • You must provide proof that you are of good character.
  • You must complete Utah concealed carry permit course for firearm training in the state.
  • You must not be a convict for any felony case.
  • You must not be a convict of any crime that has to do with violence.
  • You must not be a convict for any crime that has to do with the consumption of alcohol.
  • You must not be a convict for any crime that has to do with the use of hard drugs like narcotics, or any substance under control by the drug enforcement agency of the state.
  • You must not be a convict for any moral offense in the state.
  • You must not be a convict for any domestic assault case.
  • You must not be convicted as mentally unstable by a court in the USA unless the verdict was reversed or canceled.
  • You must meet the qualification to buy and handle firearms as provided by gun laws in Utah.
  • You must meet all federal laws for concealed carry permit applications in the state.

How To Apply For CCW Permit Application In Utah

Having met all the requirements for permit application in Utah, you can proceed with the actual process.

They include the following:

Complete Firearm Training

You must enrol for a Utah concealed carry permit class and complete the required training endorsed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification in the state.

Obtain The Application

You can download the application via an online website.

Take Your Fingerprints

You can do this at the Bureau of Criminal Identification or via a local law enforcement agency in the state.

Submit The Necessary Documents:

Complete your application form, and submit it physically to the BCI or send it via email with the following documents:

  • Your driver’s license
  • Your passport photograph.
  • For non-resident permit application, you must first provide a license from your state of residence. Note that the license must be one that meets all requirements for concealed carry in Utah.
  • Your fingerprint card.
  • Your firearm training certificate.

Receive Notification Mail.

After the processing period, you will receive a mail to notify you of an approved or denied application.

In Utah, you can apply for a provisional CCW permit application if you are between the age range of eighteen to twenty.

This application is for both residents and non-residents of the state, and the requirements are the same as those for a normal concealed firearm permit.

The application processes are also the same.

A provisional CCW permit cannot be valid after the holder’s twenty-first birthday. So you have to apply for the normal permit as soon as you are twenty-one years old.

Note that provisional permit holders must obey all regulations, just like the normal CCW permit. You can’t also use provisional permits outside Utah.

You cannot conceal carry in school premises with your provisional permit.

Firearm Training Requirements In Utah

Utah concealed carry permit online courses are not allowed in the state. The applicant must physically attend all training.

The training must consist of the following:

  • How to safely load, store, and handle firearms in the state.
  • Laws that define the use of firearms for individuals. This must consist of self-defense, use of deadly force and transportation of firearms in Utah.

A BCI certified instructor must be in charge of the training.

Utah Concealed Carry FAQS

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about concealed carry Utah.

For How Long Will My Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Valid?

The permit is valid for five years, after which you must have to renew it.

How Much Is Utah CCW Permit Application?

Permit application in Utah fifty-three dollars and twenty-five cents for an initial application.

Renewal for residents and non-residents cost twenty dollars and twenty-five dollars, respectively.

How Soon Can I Apply For A Renewal Permit In Utah?

You can apply for renewal one month before your permit expires.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Utah Concealed Carry Permit?

There is a processing period of sixty days for permit application in Utah.

