
1. 作文要背诵到走进考场前的最后一刻。拿到作文务必读三遍,找出体裁、话题和内容要求,尤其是其中的名动形副四类词,然后结合背诵的功能句和题干关键词写作文,尽量写背诵过得表达。
2. 听力一定要挤出时间来先读题(可以从长对话开始读起),短对话最保险的方法就是选项和原文是同义改写、长段话和短文听力的原则是试听一致、文章和出题顺序一致、正确选项和原文主旨或高频词一致,单词听写时一定要关注词性的变化和前后的搭配,漏一个字母都没有分。
3. 一定先做仔细阅读,做题时如果某一道题耗时超过5分钟一定要跳过去,做完其他题目之后如有时间,再回头仔细分析或根据全文主旨判定答案,如果遭遇了觉得两个选项都正确的情况时,务必回到原文仔细对比哪个重复的同义表达更多,而不是依靠自己的理解。
4. 之后做信息匹配题,从题干中找出首字母大写的词、特殊标点符号、时间、地点、比较级最高级、排比并列结构、完全陌生的难词、特殊的名动形副四类词,之后读每一段的首尾句找答案,只需要对比找出重复的上述信息即可判定答案,如首尾句找不出答案,再去找中间句中上述题干关键信息,尤其是有汉语提示的地方有时为答案所在处。
5. 翻译无论是难还是简单,都不要硬着头皮逐字翻译。一定要先提炼主干,将整个句子分成主干和修饰成分分别处理。主干翻译不出来,就换主语、谓语、系动词或宾语,修饰成分如果翻译不成一个单词,则考虑使用短语、从句或单独成句处理,如果实在不会写的宁可不写也不要写错。还有,翻译一定要懂得借鉴背过的作文里的表达。
6. 选词填空题:关注空格前后的关键信号词比如and, but, that ,an/the, however。以及空格前后的名动形副四类实词的含义,然后从最常见的选项看起,越是常见的单词越有可能是正确选项。
7. 紧张时,做一下深呼吸。想想石老师的沧桑的声音和自己半年来的努力,相信自己。
In contemporary society, it has become a trend for a host of individuals to .....
Meanwhile, an increasing number of youngsters find it rather difficult/convenient/comfortable/necessary/ beneficial to ...
Taking a look around, we can notice a great many examples like this.
Apparently, this picture/saying/chart/phenomenon can be naturally associated with the significance of .../the negative influences of .../ close relation between ...and ..../
If people intend to ...., it is advisable for them to ....
It is ....that (does/do not)enable ...to build up adequate knowledge, ability, confidence, experience.
As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have come to realize the significance of.../ negative impacts of ...
As a college student, I am convinced that it is of great/no necessity for youngsters to enhance/ strengthen our quality by .....
Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to cultivate this awareness/habit
If we try our utmost to do so, the future of our life, work and study will be hopeful and promising.
Do bear in mind: ...。

