生长繁殖 Growth and reproduction雄性及雌性的红背蝾螈的觅食及交配地区会有所不同,通常在岩石和原木下建立单独的进食或交配领地。一些红背蝾螈被认为是一夫一妻制的,并可能在他们的活动期形成了一个共同地盘。它在原木或树桩或岩石或其他地面物体的洞穴中产卵,它们会于6-7月间进行繁殖。雌螈每年会产4-17颗卵。6-8个星期后卵就会孵化。在那里他们不经历幼体阶段直接从卵发育。
▲红背蝾螈适应温度较低,随意上手会对它们造成伤害,请勿模仿红背蝾螈的英文介绍 IntroductionThe red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) is a species of small, hardy woodland salamander in the family Plethodontidae. The species inhabits wooded slopes in eastern North America, west to Missouri, south to North Carolina, and north from southern Quebec and the Maritime provinces in Canada to Minnesota. It is also known as the redback salamander, eastern red-backed salamander, or the northern red-backed salamander to distinguish it from the southern red-backed salamander (Plethodon serratus). It is one of 56 species in the genus Plethodon.在神秘的大自然面前,我们无知的像个孩子......