Download Rufus for Linux

Rufus utility is a great compatible tool for formatting the USB drives but for as of now, Rufus is not available for Linux as it is only compatible with Windows operating system. So here we are producing a few alternatives that work similarly like Rufus on Linux system. You can also download rufus for macbook pc.

How to install Rufus for Linux?

  • UNetbootin is a tool which can be used to create the bootable drive and there is in built downloader. This downloader can download the Linux ISO images. You can download and launch this tool on your Linux run device and use the USB stick to burn the necessary ISO images on it.
  • balenaEtcher is another free and open source tool which will burn the ISO image on Linux, MacOS and Windows run machine. You can turn any USB or SD card flash drives in a simple and fast process.
  • dd is another utility tool which runs smoothly on Linux, Unix and creates BSD flash drives. It can convert and copy a file successfully.
  • MultiBootUSB is another utility tool for the Linux run machines and it creates live distro multi boot USBs without harming the system. It supports multiple systems which is a great benefit and unique characteristic for it.
  • Easy2Boot is a flexible multiboot solution which is configurable too. It also supports UEFI booting.


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