



Chicago is defined by its relationship to Lake Michigan, but because of the Burnham Plan, a hotel on Navy Pier would be the only location that would have the opportunity to provide the experience of looking back at the postcard view of the Chicago skyline. Because of this unique opportunity, KOO started with a window box as the organizing principle for the design of the facade of this 200 guestroom hotel on our “third coast”. Each gues­troom has been provided with a window seat from which to connect with the City. The angled surface orienta­tion creates a textured exterior that subtly reflects the ever-changing range of light, shadow, and color of the Lake. This project is currently under construction.








2.Disney California Adventure Park


Disney California Adventure Park, commonly referred to as Disney California Adventure, California Adventure, or DCA, is a theme park located in Anaheim, California. It is owned and operated by The Walt Disney Companythrough its Parks, Experiences and Products division. The 72-acre park is themed after the history and culture of California, which celebrates the fun and adventure of the state through the use of various Disney,

Pixar and Marvel properties. The park opened on February 8, 2001 as Disney's California Adventure Park or Disney's California Adventure, and it is the second of two theme parks built at the Disneyland Resort complex, after Disneyland Park.


The concept of a theme park dedicated to California arose from a meeting of Disney executives in 1995, following the cancellation of the WestCOT project. Construction of the park began in 1998 and was completed by early 2001. Disney initially projected high attendance rates at the new park; however, a series of preview openings held in January 2001 led to negative reviews, and after the park officially opened to the public on February 8, 2001, the company's attendance projections were never met. Disney spent the next several years incrementally adding new rides, shows, and attractions, and implementing other promotions aimed at boosting attendance. In 2007, Disney announced a major expansion of the park as well as a major overhaul of a significant portion of the park. Construction lasted for five years and was completed in stages, culminating with the opening of Buena Vista Street and Cars Land in June 2012.


According to the Themed Entertainment Association, the park hosted approximately 9.9 million guests in 2018, making it the 12th-most visited theme park in the world that year.

3.Huntington Beach Pier亨廷顿海滩码头


“Surf City, U.S.A,” that’s what the town and locals like to call Huntington Beach .It’s appropriate given the steady stream of surfers to the local waters and sunbathers to the local beaches. The pier itself serves as the focal point for these beachfront activities. Surfing competitions, band concerts, professional volleyball tournaments, you name it, the pier is home to these and many more activities. It’s also home to the thousands of anglers who visit the pier each month, many on a daily basis.

4.Fisherman’s Wharf渔人码头


Fisherman’s Wharf is known as the cornucopia of entertainment in San Francisco. You can spend one amazing day here as it has the most delicious restaurants and food points of San Francisco. You would also find great interest while visiting Fisherman’s Wharf as it comprises of the Aquarium Marine Museums and the Fisherman’s Wharf Wax Museum. You can relax by eating some of the most delicious food in the city or getting entertained by marine life in the marine aquarium.

5.Washington wharf华盛顿码头


The Wharf is reestablishing Washington, DC, as a true waterfront city and destination. This remarkable mile-long neighborhood along the Washington Channel of the Potomac River brings dazzling water views, hot new restaurants, year-round entertainment, and waterside style all together in one inspiring location. The Wharf, situated along the District of Columbia’s Southwest Waterfront just blocks south of the National Mall, is easily accessible to the region. When complete, The Wharf will feature more than 3 million square feet of new residential, office, hotel, retail, cultural, marina, and public uses, including waterfront parks, promenades, piers, and docks, designed by the most impressive architects in the nation.

6.Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier 加尔维斯顿岛历史悠久的娱乐码头

加尔维斯顿岛历史娱乐码头上有游乐设施、商店和布巴阿甘虾公司(Bubba Gump虾仁公司)等餐馆提供的食物。Galveston Island Historic Pleasure pier includes rides, shops and food from restaurants such as Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.

三项主要游乐设施:铁鲨过山车、德克萨斯之星飞行器和银河摩天轮。three major rides :the Iron Shark roller coaster, the Texas Star Flyer, and the Galaxy Wheel ferris wheel.

7. Australia Princes Pier 澳大利亚王子码头


码头几年前翻修过,现在吸引了渔民、步行者、自行车手和不少游客。The pier was renovated a few years ago and now attracts fishermen, walkers, cyclists and quite a few tourists.


这里到处都是座位,所以你可以欣赏到这里的景色,从游船和塔斯马尼亚岛的精神在车站码头来来去去,到油轮和游艇穿过海湾,还有从威廉斯敦到韦斯特盖特大桥的景色。留在码头尽头的旧塔绝对是一个拍照的好机会。There are seats scattered about so you can admire the action ranging from cruise ships and the Spirit of Tasmania coming and going at Station Pier, through to tankers and yachts crossing the bay as well as the views across to Williamstown and the Westgate Bridge. The old pylons that remain at the end of the pier are definitely a photo opportunity.


王子码头建于1912年至1915年之间,是许多澳大利亚军队在第一次和第二次世界大战中出发的地方。澳大利亚还欢迎二战期间来自美国的军队,以及来自世界各地的移民,他们来到澳大利亚定居。该码头最初被称为“新铁路码头”,但1920年为纪念威尔士亲王的皇家访问而改名。Constructed between 1912 and 1915, Princes Pier was the site from which many Australian troops set off for the first and second world wars. It also welcomed troops from the USA during the second world war as well as many migrants from around the world who came to make Australia home. The pier was originally called 'New Railway Pier' however it was renamed in 1920 in honour of the royal visit by the Prince of Wales.


由于年久失修,该码头经过几年的修缮,于2011年重新向公众开放。After falling into disrepair, the pier was renovated over several years and reopened to the public in 2011.

7.圣莫尼卡码头Santa Monica pier

Santa Monica pier

在圣莫尼卡,你可以找到一个历史悠久的码头追溯到1909年,当时的项目开始,并经历了几个修复项目通过。今天,它是一个地标性建筑,它有一个游乐园,于1996年开放,供家庭欣赏,还有一个水族馆,专门从事海洋生物教育,在merry go round大楼下开放。码头是音乐会、冲浪比赛、桨板比赛的举办地,此外,这里还有很多海鲜餐厅、酒吧、拱廊,甚至还有一家岩石商店,那里有来自码头的原始工艺品和来自海洋水域的贝壳。

In Santa Monica, CA you can find a historic pier dating back to 1909 when the project began and has undergone several restoration projects through . Today it is a landmark it has an amusement park which opened in 1996 for families to enjoy and an aquarium full of fish that specialize in marine life education that opened under the merry go round building. The pier is host to concerts, surf competitions, paddle board racing, plus it has plenty of seafood restaurants, bars, arcade even a rock shop which has original artifacts from the pier and shells right from the ocean’s waters.


The Pier has a bait and tackle shop if you want to fish off of this famous pier and the bait shop has all your needs covered. If you are into surfing the beach rental shop has surfing tours and surf board rentals and essentials. If you are planning to go fishing on the famous pier or surf the Cal. waves there is plenty of oceanfront accommodations near the Santa Monica Pier. If fishing on the pier the Halibut species is the prize fish to catch in these waters according to local anglers.

8.Virginia Beach Fishing Pier 1506 Atlantic Avenue弗吉尼亚海滩渔港大西洋大街1506号


The Virginia Beach fishing pier is a very popular attraction and fishing spot. The pier is located on 15th street and the boardwalk in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The approximately 1,000-foot-long pier is in the heart of the resort area. It has a bait-and-tackle shop with rod-and-reel rentals, and a snack bar/restaurant. No fishing license required. Hours vary by season. Pier operates from April through October and is open 24 hours from Memorial Day to Labor Day. A small fee is charged to walk onto the pier without fishing.


it will be rebuildPreliminary design and engineering plans for the pier have been completed. Local developer wants to build surfing hall of fame as part of Oceanfront pier renovation.

9.Swansea mumbles pier 斯旺西喃喃而语码头

mumbles pier


Originally opened in 1898, this Victorian-era pier is as much a historical site as it is a delightful spot on a sunny day. It offers great views across Swansea Bay to the left and there is a 200 year old lighthouse to the right.

10.St. Pete Pier圣皮特码头

2014年,市长克里斯曼上任后不久,就开始了建设圣彼得堡新码头的进程。A process that started in 2014, shortly after Mayor Kriseman took office, is underway for the development of a new Pier for St. Petersburg.


Initially, funds were allocated for the development of a new Pier, from Spa Beach to the end of the Pier Head. However, an additional $20 million to develop the Pier approach became available through TIF funds from the downtown tax district. The Pier approach connects the Pier to the downtown business core (Beach Drive and Bayshore Boulevard) and its boundaries follow the waterfront from the Vinoy to Pioneer Park.


The new pier district, encompassing the area below, will provide interactive experiences throughout this area and along its 3,065 foot length. Visitors can choose their experience throughout the Pier District, and its exploration and activity areas provide a multitude of flexible programs and experiences for both tourists and the local community – from children to seniors, nature lovers to boaters, fishermen to fine diners.


It is a hub for activity, not only at the pier head, but also all along its length while offering a multitude of smaller and more flexible programs and experiences.







The Pier Park Principles:

1)Flexible, adaptable programming

2)A collection of destinations, not a 3)single destination on pier

4)Pier as icon, not icon on pier

5)Multiple experiences, varied constituents

Honors the waterfront master plan

