哈里梅根为何搬离皇室?背后原因你我都不陌生......丨How to reconcile after...

We start out again!
First, understand why you want to reconcile.
A counsellor can be helpful, in this respect. Not every relationship is worth saving. Some relationships should never be rekindled, for example, where they are abusive, at least not without protection and professional help.
Second, accept your part in the estrangement.
If you're serious about mending a relationship you need to be willing to look at the part you played in the estrangement. What things might you have done that helped cause it? Write about it. Try taking the other person's point of view and write about past events from their perspective.
Thirdly, don't expect an apology.
We need to let go of the idea that the other person will accept our view, and that extends to the idea that the other person should apologise. People develop very powerful narratives and they don't give up on them easily. Many recommended letting sleeping dogs lie, rather than going over past grievances. When sisters Tamara and Leah reunited after a long estrangement they rejected the need to process past events. Leah says: 'I don't remember either one of us apologising. We just started from the present.'