云浮市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (36)


15.1 P- Is there a procedure which addresses the capability needs and controls of visual perception (including test frequency) for assembly and inspection personnel to include color distinction and near sight acuity to a defined national/international standard?YES/NO

15.2 C- Is the procedure which addresses the capability needs and controls of visual perception (including test frequency) for assembly and inspection personnel being followed?YES/NO


16.1 P- If required by customer, is there a procedure for testing the light intensity at a workbench?YES/NO/NA

16.2 P- If required by customer, is there a procedure that defines magnification requirements?YES/NO/NA

16.3 C- If required, is there evidence that workbench lighting levels have been tested and is in compliance?YES/NO/NA

16.4 C- If the assembly instructions / procedures require the use of magnification aids, are they being used?YES/NO/NA

Audit Note: For wire sizes larger than 14 AWG magnification power can be NA, for smaller sizes magnification is required. Reference Table 1.2 IPC/WHMA A-620 or equivalent.

16.4.1 C- Are magnification aids adequate to inspect for the required magnification levels?YES/NO

16.4.2 C- Are magnification aids maintained in accordance with procedures?YES/NO

