Comments on the world longest Turkish bus in length


Comments on the world longest Turkish bus in length


On August 22, the Russian Satellite News Network quoted the Turkish TV news declaiming that the longest buses in the world have been put into operation in Turkey. And the multiple carriage buses are all produced by the Turkish AKIA accompany with solar power energy provision. At present, these buses have brought into service as BRT. However, only Istanbul do adopt this bus in Turkey. The most surprising thing is that the bus is of 25 meters in length with carrying 290 passengers at most.


BRT, which is short of the Bus Rapid Transit, is the newly public passenger transport system between the Rapid Rail Transit (referred to as RRT) and the Normal Bus Transit (called simply the NBT). Commonly, it is also called as the subway on the ground. The BRT can solve problems in the corridor such as the bus congestion and bus delay. As a result, they bring about benefits and advantages for the cities.

快速公交系统,BRT(Bus Rapid Transit)是一种介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,简称NBT)之间的新型公共客运交通系统,通常也被人称作地面上的地铁。快速公交系统可以解决走廊内公交车的拥挤和延误等问题。那么,对城市而言,有极其重要的收益和好处。

However, the common length of the BRT buses are 18m. Then, what are the pitfalls in the long extended Turkish AKIA buses?


Risk One: the strong stumbling block

The length of the bus is of 25m which is generally twice or twice more of the common buses. With such buses driving on the road, most other running buses or private cars stay away at a distance from them probably. However, the public ground transportation resources are limited. Maybe, it would contribute to more traffic congestion. If one will be delivered to the nearby Optical Velley in Wuhan, about 80 percent shopkeepers are going to cry because of the traffic jam resulting in less consumption with fewer guests.



Risk Two: the reckless crab

With the straightforward road, the longer bus can drive proficiently. But, what about the bus turning? As reported, the turning radius grows longer with the longer length of bus. Moreover, it becomes more difficult for bus turning. However, if the bus can succeed to turn a corner, the following drivers are going to cry because their nearby drivers pass away round after round. Why do they leave us here waiting alone?



Risk Three: the world longest AKIA bus has been surpassed

One year ago, the first Nanchang Big Mac BRT bus is of 27m in length in China which can carry 270 passengers at most. And the bus was running the first commissioning at that time. Furthermore, this Big Mac was made in Nanchang and was developed by a local and native enterprise. As reported, a bus invented by a certain German industrial university is of 30m in length as long as possible. Seemingly, there will be the longer one instead of the longest one!!!



Therefore, please be cautious about the new things. And What needs more is to act according to circumstances!



pitfall 美 ['pɪt.fɔl] 英 ['pɪt.fɔːl]

n. 隐患;困难;(尤指)陷阱;危险

a danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first


Here is a pitfall for catching bears.


Another potential pitfall is that some columns may not appear to be inserted.


reckless 美 ['rekləs] 英 ['rekləs]

adj. 鲁莽的;不计后果的;无所顾忌的

showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions


Some of these young motorcyclists are very reckless.


By his reckless conduct he inflicted great misery on his parents.


congestion 美 [kən'dʒestʃ(ə)n] 英 [kən'dʒestʃ(ə)n]

n. (交通)拥堵;塞车;充血;淤血

the state of being crowded and full of traffic; the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus


Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities.


Her lung sounds were a bit quieter than normal but the doctor didn’t detect any congestion.


It takes all sorts to make a world.



★ 作者:陈珺洁,感性与理性的融合,渴望汲取世间最美的精华,跨越世界去进行无止尽的修行!我在英语共读等你!

