


In the anteroposterior film the femoral head is seen out of its socket and above the acetabulum. A segment of acetabular rim or femoral head may have been broken off and displaced; oblique films are useful in demonstrating the size of the fragment. If any fracture is seen, other bony fragments (which may need removal) must be suspected. A CT scan is the best way of demonstrating an acetabular fracture (or any bony fragment) but detailed imaging at this stage should be undertaken only if it does not delay reduction of the dislocation unduly.

Thompson and Epstein (1951) suggested a classification which is helpful in planning treatment. Types I and II are relatively simple dislocations; these are associated with either minor chip fractures (small fragments of the acetabular wall or fovea centralis) or a single large fragment from the posterior acetabular wall. In Type III the posterior wall is comminuted. type IV has an associated fracture of the acetabular floor, and Type V an associated fracture of the femoral head, which can be further subdivided according to Pipkin’s (1957) classification. (Figure 29.2)

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


suspected /səˈspektɪd/v. 怀疑;疑有,察觉;猜想(suspect 的过去分词和过去式)adj. 有嫌疑的,疑似……的

unduly/ˌʌnˈduːli/adv. 过度地;不适当地;不正当地

relatively/ˈrelətɪvli/adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地

fovea centralis中央凹





