

第三章 青春期营养


  1. 青春期是持续或开始预防肥胖的关键时期。(III)

  2. 饮食紊乱在青少年女性中发生率最高。(II-2)


  1. 与所有青少年女性患者讨论良好的营养,探讨并解决关注体形潜在的问题。告诉青少年和她们的父母富含蔬菜、水果、全谷物、低脂或脱脂乳制品、海产品、豆类和坚果,红肉或加工肉类较低,含糖甜饮料和精制谷物少的多样化膳食的好处。(III-A)

  2. 鼓励青少年和她们的家人一起进餐,因为能够产生广泛的积极作用,。(I-A)

  3. 所有青少年都应测量身高和体重,用针对儿童和19岁以内青少年的世界卫生组织生长曲线图表计算她们的体重指数。(III-A)

  4. 为保证最佳骨骼发育,应建议青少年女性摄入推荐量钙(1300mg/d)和维生素D(600IU/d),理想上是通过食物,如必要,可通过补充剂获取。(I-A)

  5. 注意所有青春期前和青春期女性的饮食模式和体形。(III-A)

Chapter 3: Adolescence Nutrition

Summary Statements

  1. Adolescence is a key time to continue or initiate obesity prevention. (III)

  2. The highest prevalence of eating disorders occurs among female adolescents. (II-2)


  1. Discuss good nutrition and explore and address potential body image concerns with all adolescent female patients. Teach adolescents and their parents about the benefits of a varied diet higher in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy, seafood, legumes, and nuts; lower in red or processed meat; and low in sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains. (III-A)

  2. Since it is known to produce widespread positive outcomes, encourage adolescents and their families to eat meals together. (I-A)

  3. The weight and height of all adolescents should be measured and their body mass index calculated using the World Health Organization Growth Charts which are for children and youth up to 19 years. (III-A)

  4. To ensure optimal bone development, adolescent females should be counselled to consume their RDAs for calcium (1300 mg/day) and vitamin D (600 IU/day), ideally through food or, if necessary, through supplementation. (I-A)

  5. Be alert to eating patterns and body image of all preteen and adolescent females. (III-A)


