


  • 劝阻节食、使用减肥药等行为,重点保持健康生活方式,而不是一味关注体重;

  • 鼓励家庭健康膳食,给青少年和家长更多的时间来进行互动饮食;

  • 促进保持健康的身体形象,不要取笑肥胖者的外形、重量或膳食;

  • 鼓励将谈话重点放在健康和良好的食物上,而不是体重;

  • 仔细监测肥胖或超重青少年的体重减轻情况,以免他们发展至半饥饿状态。


Pediatrics. 2016 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Preventing Obesity and Eating Disorders in Adolescents.

Golden NH, Schneider M, Wood C; Committee on Nutrition; Committee on Adolescence; Section on Obesity.

American Academy of Pediatrics.

Obesity and eating disorders (EDs) are both prevalent in adolescents. There are concerns that obesity prevention efforts may lead to the development of an ED. Most adolescents who develop an ED did not have obesity previously, but some teenagers, in an attempt to lose weight, may develop an ED. This clinical report addresses the interaction between obesity prevention and EDs in teenagers, provides the pediatrician with evidence-informed tools to identify behaviors that predispose to both obesity and EDs, and provides guidance about obesity and ED prevention messages. The focus should be on a healthy lifestyle rather than on weight. Evidence suggests that obesity prevention and treatment, if conducted correctly, do not predispose to EDs.

PMID: 27550979

PII: e20161649

DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1649

