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The most useful classification is that of Delbet, which is based on the level of the fracture (Hughes and Beaty 1994). Type I is a fracture-separation of the epiphysis; sometimes the epiphyseal fragment is dislocated from the acetabulum. Type II is a transcervical fracture of the femoral neck; this is the commonest variety, accounting for almost half of the injuries. Type III is a basal (cervico-trochanteric) fracture, the second most common injury. Type IV is an intertrochanteric fracture (Figure 29.16).

Clinical features 

Diagnosis can be difficult, especially in infants where the epiphysis is not easily defined on x-ray. Type I fractures are easily mistaken for hip dislocation. Ultrasonography, MRI and arthrography may help. In older children the diagnosis is usually obvious on plain x-ray examination.

It is important to establish whether the fracture is displaced or undisplaced; the former carries a much higher risk of complications. Type IV fractures are the least likely to give rise to complications.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


variety /vəˈraɪəti/n. 多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化

this is the commonest variety, accounting for almost half of the injuries.这是最常见的一种,占了几乎一半的伤害。

basal (cervico-trochanteric) fracture基底(股骨颈-转子)骨折

Ultrasonography /,ʌltrəsə'nɑɡrəfi/n. 超声波检查法;超声波扫描术

give rise to complications.引起并发症。



最有用的分类是基于骨折程度的Delbet分类(Hughes和Beaty 1994)。I型是骨骺分离骨折,有时骨骺碎片从髋臼脱臼。II型是股骨颈经颈骨折;这是最常见的类型,几乎占损伤的一半。Ⅲ型是基底部(颈粗隆)骨折,是第二常见的损伤。IV型是股骨转子间骨折(图29.16)。




