马友友(Yo-Yo Ma)来了! | FantasticClassics
包括YMCG艺术委员会主席和广州交响乐团(GSO)音乐总监余隆(Long Yu)先生、YMCG艺术总监马友友(Yo-Yo Ma)先生,等在内的多名导师,以及来自世界各地的71位本届YMCG学员,今天均已陆续抵达广州。
不妨让我们先看一段马友友于今日稍早前抵达下榻酒店以后,专门为2020 YMCG录制的预告小视频吧:👆🏻
So I want to say this is the 4th year of YMCG and there is one day left. So please come and visit and see the seminaries of the concerts.
We're going to 6 beautiful places in the community in Guangzhou. And Guangdong is gonna be beautiful and we gonna have exciting music and programs and incredibly talented musicians from China and from around the world.
So come and join us and let's have fun! One more day!"
“大家好,我是马友友!我想说今年是广东国际青年音乐周(YMCG)的第四年,还有不到1天的时间,2020 YMCG就要开幕了。还不赶紧做好准备过来听我们的音乐会。
本届YMCG期间,我们将要造访广州市内的6大美丽景点,并进行快闪活动。与此同时,我们还准备了激动人心的音乐和各类节目,由来自中国和世界各地的不可思议的极具天赋的音乐家们共同呈现。所以,请过来加入我们的行列吧,让我们一起玩!距离2020 YMCG开幕,还有最后1天了!”